
Well, I'm back in school now and it's been god-awful. But I'll get through it. I have to. It's my last semester of high school EVER! *sigh* and it's going to drag on forever. I'm just so tired of being lectured at...

But I won't spend time complaining on here. A rather late HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. I went to a small new years party with my bf on new years eve and had a lens in my glasses knocked out... with a balloon! i know; it's crazy, but it happened. I'm just glad that i was able to pop the lens back in. ^^"

I submitted a few more of my drawings of my original characters on theO, so if anyone has the chance, it would rock if you could give my drawings hugs. They love being hugged ^^ Well, i probably need to go since i'm on the church secretary's computer. ttyl!

