
No, I still have not decided where I want to go to college. Instead, I am at college. Strange huh? But, no, I'm competing in a merit scholarship competition at Sewanee. It's been fun so far; the student that I'm staying with is awesome! I'm still kinda nervous about the interviews that I have to do, but I think it'll be o.k. Oh, and I may get to watch the new (or no so new) James Bond movie tonight, which will be cool.

(WARNING: this next paragraph is just me whining about not getting to see my bf. skip it if you like.)

The only downside to being here this weekend is that I really miss my boyfriend (hint: not the same one i talked about the in last post. We broke up about a month ago.). It really sucks too, because my phone is almost out of minutes and I'm supposed to be concentrating on getting this scholarship, but I can't stop worrying about him. He's been sick for the past week os so and I just keep hoping he'll get better, but he was really sick yesterday afternoon. Alas, so I worry from afar.

Well, that's all I really have to say, so ttyl!
