# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Four

Getting Ready

"Not to be a put down, but we still have to get to school. And I need to borrow some pants." Becca said, making her way to my room.

"I don't get why you can't just bring your clothes here!" I called to her.

"... I don't wanna!" Yes. That was her award winning excuse. How creative.

"Speaking of pants," I started, turning to Kaity. "You need to shower, and get dressed." I finished.

"Dressed into what? All my clothes are..." She trailed off, something dawning upon her.

"They're what?" I asked, curiously.

"They were in that alleyway." She said.

"Why were they...?" I asked.

"I was running away." She said, not looking up at me. I decided not to push it any farther, so I nodded and she went to take a shower. I went up to my room, and knocked on the door.

Wait. What am I doing?!

I walked right into my room, and over to my closet. Becca was...somewhere in my house, I just didn't know where. Personally, I'm not sure if I wanna know.

Kaitlin looked to be about my size, so I grabbed this for her. If she wanted, she could use some of my make-up or accessories.

I left the clothes on the bed, and turned to leave my room, only to see Becca standing behind me. "HOLY MOTHER F---ER! Becca don't do that!" I yelled. She smiled at me, then started laughing. "You're so mean!" I whined, walking out of my room.

"You should have seen your face!" She said, in-between laughs. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the living room. I plopped down on my couch, and started watching TV.

I looked down at the skinny jeans Becca was borrowing from me, and noticed it was my favorite pair! "You better not get a speck of dirt on those, or you might not wake up tomorrow." I told her.

"Yea, yea." She replied, watching TV as well.

# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Three


"Oh. Um, about that," I started, putting her food on a plate and handing it to her. I then stuck a pop tart in the toaster for my breakfast. "Well, you have to promise me one thing before I tell you." I said, going over what I was about to tell her.

"Okay. What?" She asked.

"Promise me you won't tell a soul, and you won't be afraid of me." I said.

"I promise." She replied.

"Okay. Well, what you were... er, attacked by wasn't precisely... normal." I explained.

"What do you mean?" She asked, starting to eat her breakfast.

I sighed, figuring it was better to just tell her then stall. "He was a vampire, I'm a vampire slayer, I killed him, he's dead, and you won't have to worry about him ever again." I said, all in one breath.

She dropped the toast she was about to eat. She, then, looked at me for a few seconds, before falling off the stool unconscious.

That went better then I thought.

I picked her up off the ground, and carried her back to the living room. I looked over at the clock, seeing that I still had about an hour left to get to school.

I the toaster ding, signaling that my pop tarts were ready. I walked over to the kitchen only to see Rebecca eating one of mine.

"How did you...? 'Ya know what, I don't even wanna know." I said. She grinned over at me, and continued eating my pop tart.

I grabbed my other one, and started eating that.

"Eventually, you're gonna get bored with breaking and entering, and then you're gonna start using my front door." I said.

"I wouldn't hold your breath." She said, finishing up the pop tart. I sighed and poured myself a glass of Sunny D.

"Who's in your living room?" Becca asked, stretching her words.

"Your mom." I replied.

"That's really getting old." She said.

"Your point?" I asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "So who is really in your living room?" She asked, emphasizing really.

"Her name's Kaitlin. I met her on the job." I said.

Only a select few knew what I really did, Becca included. The rest thought I worked at a restaurant, and I planned on keeping it that way.

I heard something fall onto the floor, with a loud thud. "Kaitlin's awake." I mumbled. I walked into the living room, and saw her getting up, rubbing her head. "Good morning, sunshine!" I yelled, pulling her into the kitchen. "Kaity, this is Becca. Becca, this is Kaity." I said, introducing them.

Yes, I have already thought up a nickname for Kaitlin. Got a problem?


I'm sorta high right now,
so I don't think I can write seriously.
For now anyways.
Jessica <3s you!

# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Two

She Lives!

After I finished cleaning up the blood, I figured I should get to bed. I only had a few hours to sleep before I had to get to school.

I may have been a vampire slayer living on my own, but that doesn't mean I don't go to school.

I'm still only 17.

I saw a small body lying on the ground. I could tell it was a girl from the size. The only problem was, she wasn't moving.

I cautiously made my way over to the unmoving body, and gently turned her around.


The girl was me. I could see the two puncture holes in my neck. There was dried up blood surrounding the two holes.

I truly couldn't believe it. My eyes looked empty and dead. There was no trace of life left in my dark brown eyes. I was just a lifeless body now.

No feelings.

No soul.


I looked down at my body. I was... fading?

I stuck out my hand, and it was slowly turning into air. I was turning into nothing. I was turning into exactly what I felt.


My body shot up into a siting position. I could feel the sweat dripping off my face.

I didn't get what was going on. All this month my dreams have been invaded with nothing but nightmares.

I got up and groggily made my way to my bathroom. I stripped out of the clothes I was wearing last night, and quickly took a shower. I dried my hair, then I straightened it. As soon as I was done fixing my hair, I changed into this.

I just started applying my eyeliner, when suddenly, I heard a loud scream. I ran downstairs, and saw the girl sitting up, looking around frightened. When her gaze landed on me, she backed up as far as she could on the couch.

I wasn't surprised. I'm sure there was a huge line that was there from my eyeliner. The scream startled me that much.

"Calm down. I'm here to help. Don't be afraid." I said, holding my hands up, in a I'm-not-going-to-hurt-you way.

She didn't look any more relieved.

"I promise. No need to be frightened." I said, trying to calm her down.

Still no progress.

"I'll make you whatever you want for breakfast." I said, persuading her.

She looked a little bit more happy, but still frightened.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked.

She just looked at me. Not saying anything.

Well. Isn't she talkative.

I thought to myself.

"Pancakes?" I asked.

She shook her head.


She shook her head once again.

"Bacon and eggs?" I asked, hopeful.

She nodded eagerly.

"Okay. Do you want toast with that?" I asked.

She nodded once again.

"Orange juice?" I asked, once again.

She nodded, and relaxed on the couch.

I made my way to the kitchen, and started making breakfast. "So, um, you go to school right?" I asked, while making breakfast.

She walked into the kitchen and nodded.

"Do you at least talk to people?" I mumbled.

"I don't talk to people I don't trust." Said an unfamiliar voice. I looked over at her, shocked.

"Did you just talk?" I asked.

"Yes." She simply answered.

"So, does that mean you trust me?" I asked, starting on the bacon.

"Not entirely, but you do deserve me to talk considering you brought me here, and now making my breakfast." She explained.

"Well, then. I'm okay with that." I said, still frying the strips of bacon. "Can you tell me your name?" I asked.

"Kaitlin. Yours?" She asked.

"Jessica." I answered.

"I've been wondering," She started. "Exactly what happened last night?" She asked.


Jessica <3s you.

# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter One

First Day on the Job

Falling. That's all I was doing. I was falling. How this happened, I'm not sure. Why this was happening, I'm not sure about that either. Suddenly, my dreams were invading with very loud music. Was that... 3OH!3?

I groaned and rolled over. I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock, and unwillingly, got up out of bed.

I looked at the lime green numbers on my digital clock, and it read 1:30am.

This is what I get for taking this job.

I thought to myself, bitterly. I trudged over to my closet, and changed out of my PJs.

This job acquired stealth, strength, weapons, and --most of all-- a lot of black clothes.

I changed into this and I applied my usual eyeliner, then slipped on my special ring.

I needed to be able to move quickly in what I wore, so it usually consisted of black shorts, a light sweater, a tank top, and shoes that I could move in.

My name is Jessica, and I just so happen to be a vampire slayer. Why you may be asking, well, I used to be in an arranged marriage.

He broke my heart and he's a vampire.

He's the reason I haven't had a stable relationship since. He's also the reason I let my father teach me this.

Which brings us to this day.

My father finally said I was ready. I now loath vampires. All they are, are blood sucking leeches who don't give a damn about who's innocent or not.

All they do is kill, kill, kill.

And I am no longer going to stand here, and watch. The population has dropped fiercely, since they showed up.

Now it was their turn.

I quickly wrapped a strap around my waist that had guns filled with high-power silver bullets.

It was the one thing that could kill them, I've seen it all before. My father once took me out on one of his nightly shifts, and I saw them wither to nothing but dust.

I heard the pain-filled cries, that echoed off the walls.

At the age of 15, I've witnessed tons upon tons of death. Whether it be them, or not.

I know what death smells like, I know what it feels to be the cause of it.

I jumped gracefully from my window, and landed on the grass that was slightly wet, from the rain yesterday.

I sprinted across my lawn and I was off to start my new job. I was aware of everything around me. To do this job, you have to be. Without it, you wouldn't last a day.

I heard some noises from an alleyway I was currently passing.

I sneakily made my way into the alleyway, not being seen. I saw a girl who looked to be about 14 or 15. She was being thrown around like a rag doll and it sickened me to the core.

The man was obviously overwhelmed with blood lust, but it still didn't give him any right to do this.

She was just a kid!

I knew it would be easy, you could tell he was inexperienced.

Piece of cake.

I thought to myself, making my way over to him. I took out one of my many silver knives and held it up to his neck.

"What the hell?!" I heard him yell. The silver was already working it's magic. I could hear the burning begin.

One little cut, and it was all over.

It looked like the girl was unconscious, so I finished him off as quickly as possible. I could see the blood seeping out of her head, so I picked her up, and ran back to my house.

There was no way I could make it to the hospital in time. So I placed her gently on my couch and went to get my first-aid kit.

She's gonna have a splitting headache when she wakes up.

I thought with a sigh, tending to her wounds.


New story!
Tell me if you like it!
Jessica <3s you!