# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Two

She Lives!

After I finished cleaning up the blood, I figured I should get to bed. I only had a few hours to sleep before I had to get to school.

I may have been a vampire slayer living on my own, but that doesn't mean I don't go to school.

I'm still only 17.

I saw a small body lying on the ground. I could tell it was a girl from the size. The only problem was, she wasn't moving.

I cautiously made my way over to the unmoving body, and gently turned her around.


The girl was me. I could see the two puncture holes in my neck. There was dried up blood surrounding the two holes.

I truly couldn't believe it. My eyes looked empty and dead. There was no trace of life left in my dark brown eyes. I was just a lifeless body now.

No feelings.

No soul.


I looked down at my body. I was... fading?

I stuck out my hand, and it was slowly turning into air. I was turning into nothing. I was turning into exactly what I felt.


My body shot up into a siting position. I could feel the sweat dripping off my face.

I didn't get what was going on. All this month my dreams have been invaded with nothing but nightmares.

I got up and groggily made my way to my bathroom. I stripped out of the clothes I was wearing last night, and quickly took a shower. I dried my hair, then I straightened it. As soon as I was done fixing my hair, I changed into this.

I just started applying my eyeliner, when suddenly, I heard a loud scream. I ran downstairs, and saw the girl sitting up, looking around frightened. When her gaze landed on me, she backed up as far as she could on the couch.

I wasn't surprised. I'm sure there was a huge line that was there from my eyeliner. The scream startled me that much.

"Calm down. I'm here to help. Don't be afraid." I said, holding my hands up, in a I'm-not-going-to-hurt-you way.

She didn't look any more relieved.

"I promise. No need to be frightened." I said, trying to calm her down.

Still no progress.

"I'll make you whatever you want for breakfast." I said, persuading her.

She looked a little bit more happy, but still frightened.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I asked.

She just looked at me. Not saying anything.

Well. Isn't she talkative.

I thought to myself.

"Pancakes?" I asked.

She shook her head.


She shook her head once again.

"Bacon and eggs?" I asked, hopeful.

She nodded eagerly.

"Okay. Do you want toast with that?" I asked.

She nodded once again.

"Orange juice?" I asked, once again.

She nodded, and relaxed on the couch.

I made my way to the kitchen, and started making breakfast. "So, um, you go to school right?" I asked, while making breakfast.

She walked into the kitchen and nodded.

"Do you at least talk to people?" I mumbled.

"I don't talk to people I don't trust." Said an unfamiliar voice. I looked over at her, shocked.

"Did you just talk?" I asked.

"Yes." She simply answered.

"So, does that mean you trust me?" I asked, starting on the bacon.

"Not entirely, but you do deserve me to talk considering you brought me here, and now making my breakfast." She explained.

"Well, then. I'm okay with that." I said, still frying the strips of bacon. "Can you tell me your name?" I asked.

"Kaitlin. Yours?" She asked.

"Jessica." I answered.

"I've been wondering," She started. "Exactly what happened last night?" She asked.


Jessica <3s you.
