# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Three


"Oh. Um, about that," I started, putting her food on a plate and handing it to her. I then stuck a pop tart in the toaster for my breakfast. "Well, you have to promise me one thing before I tell you." I said, going over what I was about to tell her.

"Okay. What?" She asked.

"Promise me you won't tell a soul, and you won't be afraid of me." I said.

"I promise." She replied.

"Okay. Well, what you were... er, attacked by wasn't precisely... normal." I explained.

"What do you mean?" She asked, starting to eat her breakfast.

I sighed, figuring it was better to just tell her then stall. "He was a vampire, I'm a vampire slayer, I killed him, he's dead, and you won't have to worry about him ever again." I said, all in one breath.

She dropped the toast she was about to eat. She, then, looked at me for a few seconds, before falling off the stool unconscious.

That went better then I thought.

I picked her up off the ground, and carried her back to the living room. I looked over at the clock, seeing that I still had about an hour left to get to school.

I the toaster ding, signaling that my pop tarts were ready. I walked over to the kitchen only to see Rebecca eating one of mine.

"How did you...? 'Ya know what, I don't even wanna know." I said. She grinned over at me, and continued eating my pop tart.

I grabbed my other one, and started eating that.

"Eventually, you're gonna get bored with breaking and entering, and then you're gonna start using my front door." I said.

"I wouldn't hold your breath." She said, finishing up the pop tart. I sighed and poured myself a glass of Sunny D.

"Who's in your living room?" Becca asked, stretching her words.

"Your mom." I replied.

"That's really getting old." She said.

"Your point?" I asked.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "So who is really in your living room?" She asked, emphasizing really.

"Her name's Kaitlin. I met her on the job." I said.

Only a select few knew what I really did, Becca included. The rest thought I worked at a restaurant, and I planned on keeping it that way.

I heard something fall onto the floor, with a loud thud. "Kaitlin's awake." I mumbled. I walked into the living room, and saw her getting up, rubbing her head. "Good morning, sunshine!" I yelled, pulling her into the kitchen. "Kaity, this is Becca. Becca, this is Kaity." I said, introducing them.

Yes, I have already thought up a nickname for Kaitlin. Got a problem?


I'm sorta high right now,
so I don't think I can write seriously.
For now anyways.
Jessica <3s you!
