# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Five

The Note

We left the house ten minutes before the bell actually rang, so we wouldn't be late. It turns out Kaity actually went to the same school as me, so there was no hassle.

School was the same as usual. Boring as Hell. Lunch was more exciting then anything. As it usually was. Kaitlin got to meet the rest of my friends, well not the rest, some of them. She met Erin, Madison, Matthew, Drew, Sydney, Brenden, Justyn, and more. They got along well and nothing terrible happened.

I was now sitting in last period, with my headphones stuck in my ears. Mr. Cathcart gave us some notes to copy, but I finished a few minutes ago.

I was tapping my pencil to the beat, when a note was thrown over at me. I looked around the room, but everybody was either talking to somebody else, or finishing up the notes.

I opened the note cautiously, and scanned the fancy handwriting.

Dear Slayer,

I cannot wait until tonight.

That's it. Nothing else.

I cannot wait until tonight.

What did they mean by that?

Did somebody else know about me?

I read the note over, and over again. I could feel chills running down my spine. This wasn't good. It wasn't good at all.

The last bell rang, and I gathered my stuff quickly, then I left. I met Kaitlin outside the school, and we drove back to my house. We decided that she would stay with me if she didn't want to go back.

I drove quickly back, and we both went inside. Kaitlin didn't question why I was in a rush and I was glad she didn't. I needed to get to my room, and quickly.

When I got to my room, I closed the door, and pulled out a silver case from under my bed. I quickly punched in the combo, and unlatched it. I pulled out everything I needed, and started my work.

I was going to figure out who gave me this.




Everything was going smoothly, she received the note, and now she was going to find out it was me. Then I'm going to plant another note in her room telling her where to meet me, then she's going to go there, I'll bring her back to Jake, and everybody will be happy.

Easy as pie.

I jumped from the tree I was standing on, and made my way back. Hopefully nobody got in the way and screwed this up.

If somebody did, that would be bad. Very, very bad.

On their part anyways.
