# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Seven

Hooked on Death

I had my knives out by now, the guns were no use if you didn't know where to shoot so, I hardly used them.

I knew he was somewhere, I just didn't know where "somewhere" was.

This felt so... weird. All of this. Me not being able to track my enemy with my senses alone was so unfamiliar, I guess. My father always said it was a gift and I should feel lucky to have it, but sometimes, I wish I didn't have it.

I found people dead, hurt, on the brink of death, tortured, and in all my relationships; cheating on me.

Yea. I sure am lucky.

But at this time, I wasn't lucky. He was everywhere, but when I looked; he wasn't. It was aggravating.

I felt a presence behind me, so I turned around swiftly. Nothing.

I felt somebody behind me again, but yet nothing.

I knew what he was doing, he was playing with me. He wanted me to give up, so he could win.

But that wasn't going to happen.

When I felt somebody beside me, instead of turning to them, I stabbed them. And I didn't miss.

I felt it hit cold flesh, but no scream. I couldn't hear that burning sound, I longed for.

I admit it, I was hooked on death.

A vampire's death to be precise.

"You got me." I heard him say, the shock evident in his voice.

I stood there in silence, I could hear the sound of flesh healing. It sent shivers down my spine, I hated that sound. It always reminded me that I was losing.

Why didn't it work?

I asked myself. It was supposed to work. It always only took one cut. Not a stab, but just a small cut. I didn't even have to put any effort into it.

In the two years my dad has taught me, and showed me how to slay a vampire, this never happened. He never mentioned this. In all the late night shifts that he took, all he had to do was create one cut and that's all it took. Never more.

I had to admit, I was scared. I didn't know what to do, I was supposed to be ready. This wasn't supposed to happen, I should've won.

He should've turned to ash, like the rest. He wasn't supposed to be able to heal, he was supposed to die.

I needed to hear the burning, I needed to hear the screams. It was all that would calm my anger.

He reminded me so much of Jake. The velvet voice, the air of mystery, the way his skin glowed.

I hated it.

I hated it all.

So I tried it again. He just stood there and took it. But no burning, no screams, just pure silence.

The silence itself was killing me. Not him, but me.

No, no, no, no, no.

Suddenly, that creepy smile was on his face once again. He turned his head to meet my eyes with his.

The game was slowly turning on me.

He was going to win. Not me, but him.

Next thing I knew, I found myself hitting a tree, back first. I heard the sickening crack that came from my back.

This was it.

I was going to lose.

There was no use to try to win, because there was nothing that would help me win.

"Jessica!" I heard my name being called, in that sing-song voice.

A smile broke out on my face, when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I laughed, happily. He twirled me around in his arms, and then placed me on my feet. I turned around in his arms, and planted a kiss on those lips that I loved.


What bullshit.

I was too in love to see the horrors my future held. I knew happily ever after never existed, but he changed that around for me.

For a moment in my life, I actually believed I had found my "happily ever after" but it slowly unraveled, and turned into a sorrowful ending.

For me. Only for me.

He found his true princess, and I lost my prince charming.

All I felt was cold, bitterness. I didn't feel that fuzzy feeling anymore. I used to feel it everyday of my life before him. When I met him, I thought he was everything I needed. My whole world revolved around him for the short period of time.

But, unfortunately, he didn't feel the same. To him, I was only another person.

I gave him my heart, and he broke it and left it to rot. He was the reason I do this. He was the reason I felt all this pain.

And I wanted nothing but sweet revenge. And I was going to get that, even if it took me all my life. I wouldn't give up, not until he felt my pain.

That's what willed me to get up, and spit the blood out of my mouth onto the ground. I felt light-headed, but that wasn't going to stop me.

I could see the fangs protruding out of his mouth, I could see his red eyes looking at me. He was thirsty, and he wasn't going to stop himself from sucking me dry.

It was just him and I.

Nobody to save me, nobody to hear my shrieks of pain, nobody to hear my last dying breath.

But that wasn't going to happen. I wouldn't let it. Win or lose, I was going to get out of this alive.

He said it himself, don't kill the person, just harm them enough to leave them almost dead.

But if he were to sink his fangs into my neck, nothing would stop him from killing me.

Suddenly the flashback of one of my many nightmares appeared before my eyes.

The girl was me. I could see the two puncture holes in my neck. There was dried up blood surrounding the two holes.

I truly couldn't believe it. My eyes looked empty and dead. There was no trace of life left in my dark brown eyes. I was just a lifeless body now.

Was that nightmare turning into reality?

Was I going to die tonight?


Taa Daa!
Is Jessica going to die?
Will she live?
Will this Dylan guy keep to his word,
and leave her almost dead?

