# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Eight

"Let's call it a tie."


Dylan's P.O.V


If I kept this up, I would kill her. And if I killed her, I wouldn't be far behind. Jake said to bring her back to him alive. not a corpse, but alive.

So I had to control my blood lust, and strength. I closed my eyes, and took a calming breath.

No, vampires don't need to breath, but I found breathing natural and it calms me. Therefore, it works.

I felt my fangs slowly go back to normal looking teeth, and I re-opened my eyes. I could smell the blood on the ground, that she spat out.

God, did it smell good.

No. Calm yourself, Dylan. This is not the time for feeding.

I thought to myself. I took a few more breaths, before walking towards her.

"Let's call it a tie." I said.




"A tie?" I asked, shocked.

He was winning, he can't just give up!

"Yes a tie. We both win, and lose. Therefore, you get to go home, and I get my kiss." He said.

I glared at him, coldly. "I'd rather die then kiss you." I told him, venom seeping onto every one of my words.

"I'd reconsider. I'm being awfully nice right now. I suggest you just kiss me and go, simple as that." He said, far too casually.

Wow. He really is giving up.

"Fine." I agreed, suspiciously. I looked him over a second time, before reassuring myself that it was just a kiss.

I kissed him on the lips quickly, holding back a gag.

"See? It wasn't so bad." He said, a smile playing on his lips.

"For you. Now I have to go disinfect my lips." I replied, turning on my heel and walking back home. Once I got home, I grabbed the spare key hiding under the mat, and silently opened the door.

I figured that I should have used the window this time, Kaity might've still been sleeping.

I tossed the key onto the counter, and crumpled up the note. I walked up to my room, and checked the clock.

1:30 am.

I sighed, and changed back into my PJs.

Skipping one shift wouldn't hurt.

I thought to myself, while climbing into bed.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


My and my big mouth. 'What's the worst that could happen?' I mocked myself, bitterly. My TV was tuned onto the news, and apparently 5 teenage girls were raped, and then murdered brutally.

To think, I could have prevented that. I am so stupid!

"Thank god, they caught the guy." I heard Matthew say, eating some of my toast. It seemed my friends got a kick out of breaking and entering into my house.

I grabbed the toast out of his hand, before he could consume it all. "Matty, you have to stop eating my breakfast. And you too Becca!" I told them, moving my food away from them.

I'm pretty sure that guy was framed. My father taught me, a vampire hasn't been caught in almost 100 years. Obviously it wasn't just gonna change now.

"But we're hungry!" They whined.

"And is that my problem?" I asked. "No." I finished for them. I had almost totally forgot about last night, if Dylan hadn't set a note on top of my phone.

You're lips are sweet.

God, did that guy get on my nerves.

"Well, we can blame you if we want!" Matty retorted.

I rolled my eyes, and ate my PB, skipping the J.

"I'm gonna go find my clothes!" Matty exclaimed, running up to my room. Yes, Matty has slept over before. But just not in that way, we may be psychotic teenagers, but we are able to control our hormones.

Matty bounded down the stairs, wearing a new pair of skinny jeans.

"I left the other one in your room." He told me, sitting down on a stool.

"Ew." I said, scrunching up my nose. "How many days have you worn those?" I asked.

"Once. Sheesh." He said.

"Not only this week, Matty." I said.

"Oh. Then I lost count." He replied, with a shrug, taking another bite of my breakfast. Yet again.

"I'm gonna burn those later." I said. Becca went to help Kaity pick out something to wear. We decided that we'd go shopping today, after school.

And --of course-- Matty had to tag along, 'cause he's secretly gay like that.



Aren't you happy?
I am.
Because without her,
you wouldn't have a story,
and I wouldn't have a story to write.
