# 1 Rule in Slayer's Hanbook: Never Fall in Love with the Enemy

Chapter Nine

Him Again

Before I knew it, school was over and we were all waiting at my car. Well, Kaity, Becca, and I were. Matty was stuck in detention. So, we've been waiting for 15 minutes here with another 15 to go.

"Is he out yet?" Becca asked, for the third time in the last 5 minutes.

"Nope." Kaity said, lying on her stomach picking at the grass on the ground.

"This is so boring." I whined, hanging upside down from a tree.

"You said it." Becca said, plopping down on the ground, beside my head.

10 minutes later

Now I was pacing, Becca was sitting in the tree, and Kaity was throwing grass everywhere.

"Jeez. He just had to get detention again. This is like the 4th time this week!" I ranted, Becca watching me, amused. "Can't the boy just go one day without detention?" I asked nobody in particular. "No, he can't. Wanna know why?" I, again, asked nobody in particular. "Because he just has to have the last word!" I yelled, planting myself on the ground.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and huffed.

5 minutes later

Matty came running towards us, waving his arms like a lunatic.

"Sorry, I got--" He started but I cut him off.

"You got detention. We all know. But you just couldn't keep your mouth shut, just for this one day. To think, we could be in a store right now!" I yelled, getting into the driver's side.

"She's not very patient." I heard Becca say to him.

"Shut up and get in the car!" I yelled, still pretty annoyed.

"I think it's her time." I heard Becca mumble over to Kaity.

"I heard that." I said.

Becca smiled, and climbed into the back seat with Kaity. "I know." She replied.

I rolled my eyes, and when Matty had his door closed, I started the car and we were off to the mall.

"Hey, Jess?" I heard Matt say.

"Yea?" I answered, keeping my eyes on the road. Last time I didn't, I almost killed myself.

"Would you mind if a friend met up with us at the mall?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied, casually.

"Awe, does Matty-Moo have a girlfriend?" Becca asked, propping up her elbows on that thing in-between the passenger and driver. I always forgot what that thing was called.

"No, Becca-Boo. I don't. He's a boy." Matty said. I heard Kaity laugh at the names.

"Oh. Wow. Matty-Poo has a boyfriend. Who knew he rolled that way." Becca said, smiling and sitting back.

"WHAT?!" Matty yelled. "For the record, I'm STRAIGHT!" He yelled again.

"Of course you are." Becca said, disbelievingly.

"Jessie, Becca's implying I'm gay again!" Matty whined.

"Well, you did sound pretty eager when we mentioned we were going shopping. And you do have a pretty high-pitched voice sometimes." I said.

"Do not!" He yelled, making his voice deeper.

I laughed at how hard he was trying. It was so fun to tease him about his sexuality.


We pulled into the mall parking lot, and I parked my car quickly. Matty got out of the car, as fast as he could, and ran into the mall.

"This "friend" sure is special to Matty. I haven't seen him run that fast, since... since... well, 4th grade." Becca mumbled, following after Matty.

I locked my doors, and Kaity, Becca, and I headed into the mall. I could see the back of Matty's head, and I partially saw the guy he was talking to.

"Oh. There they are." I heard Matty say, he moved out of the way, and... Wait.


I'm almost positive that my eyes practically popped out. My jaw went slack, and now it was hanging open.

"Uh. Jess, are you okay?" I heard Kaity ask.

I quickly composed myself, and tried to keep as much of my dignity as I could. "Y-yea. Fine." I said.

"Whatever you say. Let's go meet this guy." Kaity said.

Becca was already standing beside Matty, talking to Dylan.

"I gotta--" I started. But Kaity already had my arm and she was dragging me towards Matty, Becca, and a now smirking, Dylan.

"Jess, this is--"

"Dylan. I know." I finished for him.

"Oh so, you know each other?" Becca asked. "He did only transfer today." Becca added.

"I've seen him around." I said, looking at Dylan.

"Well, I sure haven't seen you. Nice to meet you." Dylan said, smiling at me, holding his hand out.

I just stood there, staring at it. Like I'd really touch that... that... thing.

"Go ahead, Jess. He doesn't have cooties." Matty told me, teasingly.

I gave Dylan a grim smile, and shook his hand slowly, hating every second of it. As soon as we let go, I wiped my hand on my pants.

Becca cleared her throat, completely aware of the tense atmosphere. "So, uh, Dylan. Where are you from?"

"I'm from California, but I was born in the United Kingdom." He told us.

I just scoffed. Becca looked over at me, and gave me a look. I rolled my eyes, and turned on my heel heading to a random store with Kaity in tow.

"Uh. Bye, I guess!" Kaity called to them.
