Morlock. A term used for groups of people that dwell underground and out of societies eyes. They are the freaks that scare people. They are the horror stories that parents tell their kids to behave themselves or they'll get taken by them. Heh, that's perfect for me. This here is my home away from home. This is where I get to share all my likes, all my joys, almost everything. This is where I can be free and myself. There will be laughs, nosebleeds and just a good sense of happiness. So come along and enjoy the ride. If you'd like to be a part of this experience, please drop me a line. I'm always up for new people with fresh views. So welcome to the underground.

On a side note: Don't let the picture scare you. Yes there are some crazy people on here. Some are derange and some are just straight psycho. But you spend enough time here and you'll be listening to the voices in your head just like we do. Let's spread it all around. It's all a joke anyway, right?

Countdown pt.XVII

#19----Dragon Ball GT ending [Don't You See]

#18----Sekirei opening [Sekirei]

#17----Queen's Blade opening [Get the door]

#16----Dragonball Z opening #1 [Cha-La Head-Cha-La]

#15----GTO opening #2 [Hitori no Yoru]

Bonus Insert Song #6----Bleach-Ichigo's Theme [Number One]

PersonalDNA Results

Well I found this somewhere and thought I'd give it a try. OMG it's so on the money as far as my personality goes.

About You

you are an experiencer

Your inquisitive nature, imagination, and hands-on practicality make you an EXPERIENCER.

Although you have an active imagination, you also concern yourself with the functional elements of things.

You are willing to experiment to find things that work the most efficiently.

Getting stuck in certain habits is boring to you—you'd rather find new experiences.

Accordingly, experiences are more important to you than objects—you'd rather spend your money and energy on events and adventures than on material things.

You like to contemplate a lot of options before making a decision, and you're willing and able to consider a lot of different angles to problems.

You're open to suggestions, and often rely on others to assess the merit of those suggestions.

You have an ability to see the big picture—not just how things are, but how they could be—in a variety of situations.

Your independent streak allows you to make decisions efficiently and to trust your instincts

If you want to be different:

Have faith that your imagination and practicality will complement each other, and lead to good decisions on your part.

Take the initiative in seeking things out—don't wait for them to come to you.

How you relate to others

you are generous

Your awareness of those around you, along with your nuanced perceptions of the world at large, makes you the GENEROUS person that you are.

You value time to yourself and understand how rich your private world can be—you know that you don't have to go wild to have a good time.

You are excited and energized by ideas and often enjoy things more through observation than through experience.

This tendency gives you an appreciation for different perspectives and opinions about the world.

Being as aware of others as you are doesn't mean you find it easy to trust them immediately—this is something that happens more slowly for you.

Despite this, you are aware of the complexities of many situations and are reluctant to pass judgments on others.

Although you have fewer friendships than some people, those that you have are meaningful and are important to you.

You value spending time alone—it is while reflecting on the world around you that you often learn something new about yourself or begin to understand something that's been bothering you.

If you want to be different:

Given how attuned you are to others' thoughts and feelings, you might find that trusting people more is a way to broaden your perspective even further.

While you know how much can be learned from observing the world around you, remember that much of life can be lived by experiencing it, not just by understanding it.

your personality chart

»Glossary of Traits

This chart shows thirteen personality traits. Each bar indicates the percentage of test takers who entered a lower value for that trait than you did. For example, if Confidence is at 80, that means that 80% of people entered lower values for confidence questions than you did. Based on a sample of 30,000 users. Click here to learn more about the traits.

LowHigh 2
LowHigh 64
LowHigh 22
LowHigh 56
Trust in others
LowHigh 20
LowHigh 24
LowHigh 92
LowHigh 24
LowHigh 28
Attention to style
LowHigh 82
LowHigh 26
ImaginativeEarthy 42
FunctionalAesthetic 58

And now back to our show....or

....Countdown pt. XVI

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#24----Dragon Ball GT opening #1 [Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku]

#23-----Highschool of the Dead ending #11 [Hollow Men]

#22----Naruto opening #8 [Re:member]

#21----Cowboy Bebop ending [The Real Folk Blues]

#20----KissxSis opening [Balance Kiss]

Yellow Rain

Merry Christmas to all

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Merry Christmas to all of you guys here. I hope that your spending it with family and friends and that you are experiencing all the love and joy that these wonderful people have to give. Each of you guys are special and wonderful and I seriously want to thank you for allowing me into your lives and for being my friend. Thank you. Best wishes today and tomorrow.

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