
Real Name Kal-L (birth name); Clark Kent (adopted name)

Current Alias: Superman

Aliases: Man of Steel; Man of Tomorrow; The Golden Age Superman

Relatives: Jor-L (birth-father, deceased); Lara-L (birth-mother, deceased); John Kent (adoptive father, deceased); Mary Kent (adoptive mother, deceased); Lois Lane-Kent (wife, deceased); Samuel Lane (father-in-law) (presumed deceased); Lucille Lane Tompkins (sister-in-law); George Tompkins (brother-in-law); Susan Tompkins (niece); Power Girl (cousin): Zor-L (paternal uncle, deceased); Allura In-Z (paternal aunt, deceased)

Affiliation: Former member of the All-Star Squadron; Former associate member of the Justice Society of America, Former member of the Black Lantern Corps

Base Of Operations: Formerly Metropolis of Earth-Two; formerly Secret Sanctuary; formerly Cleveland, Ohio; formerly a paradise realm in the Antimatter Universe

Alignment: Good

Identity: Secret Identity

Citizenship: American

Marital Status: Widowed

Occupation: Former reporter and editor-in-chief for the Daily Star; formerly crime fighter

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 2" naturally (as Kent 5'8" through compression of his spine to differentiate Kent from Superman)

Weight: 222 lbs (101 kg)
Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Universe: Earth-Two

Place of Birth: Krypton in the eliminated Earth-Two dimension

Created by: Denny O'Neil, Dick Dillin, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster

First appearance: Action Comics #1 (June, 1938)

Appearance of Death: Infinite Crisis #7 (June, 2006)

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