Barry Allen

Real Name: Bartholomew Henry Allen

Current Alias: The Flash

Aliases: Barry Allen, Black Flash, Parallax, The Fastest Man Alive, The Monarch of Motion, The Scarlet Speedster, The Sultan of Speed, The Crimson Comet, Crimson Cavalier

Relatives: Henry and Nora Allen (parents), Malcolm Thawne (brother), Iris Allen (wife), Don and Dawn Allen (children), Bart Allen (grandson) and Jenni Ognats (granddaughter), Wally West (nephew)

Affiliation: Flash Family, Justice League of America, (formerly) Blue Lantern Corps (formerly, deputy member)

Base Of Operations: Central City

Alignment: Good

Identity: Secret Identity

Citizenship: American

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Forensic Scientist

Education: Bachelors Degree (summa cum laude) in organic chemistry from Sun City University

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 195 lbs (89 kg)

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Universe: Earth-One, New Earth

Place of Birth: Fallville, Iowa
Created by: Robert Kanigher, John Broome, Carmine Infantino

First appearance: Showcase #4 (October, 1956)

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