
OK. So today I did something that alot of geeks were probably doing this weekend and that was I went out to actually watch Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3D and people let me tell you, it was well worth going and spending the money to watch it on the big screen like that. I truly believe that George Lucas has finally found his moneymaker cuz the way the movie looked in 3D, it's like it was always meant to be seen like that. Now maybe I'm going all fanboy and shit but I tell you, I've watched quiet a few new movies in 3D and they just don't compare in my opinion. From the scrolling opening credits to the Podrace scene, you'll find yourself amazed at how wonderful and beautiful it looks. Mind you, I had been up since 6.30 for some reason, and I've seen the movie so many times that I was actually closing my eyes and fighting not to fall asleep. But when the final duel with Darth Maul was going on, I was like a little kid just loving it all. So yes Lucas found another way to bleed more money from me and I'm sure all the movies will be re released on disc but as 3D so it sort of makes me feel better that I haven't had the chance to spend the money buying the whole set once again. Oh, and I might be wrong and it'll take some looking into, but I do believe they once again tweaked the movie by actually making Yoda look like he was always supposed to, and not that shit they had the 1st time. He looked to me like he did in the Attack Of The Clones movie. Maybe I'm wrong. But speaking of that, now I can't wait to see that one in 3D....I believe next year if I remember correctly.
