Welcome to my new world, i was thinking about this ,I watch so many movies i chose to make a qorld about it.So If you want me to review any movie PM me or Comment on here, soon their will be a Critic from the new Friday the 13th part 3 3D also, My bloody valentine (ORIGINAL), AND disaster moie!thanks bye-xxx-

My bloody valentine

So first of all i wanna say the movie was good, but the graphics of how they died,it wasnt all that great, but i understand ive seen too many horor movies from 2000 to the present, anways so lets get back to the movie, so i just wanna say that i didnt get to ee the remake cause they didnt let me in where i live its 16+ but they original is 13+(For some reason i can buy like 18+ movies,but i cant go to the movie and see a 16+)So lets get bacl to it, it was great i dont wanna give out any imformation, but it wasn't scary it was intrguing, ive never seen anything like this, and if you watch it get the special edtion !Some of they shots they didnt get to put them because theyre was blood i thought that was kinda stupid!See it!And if you do dont forget special Edition! so i say
And if you have seen the remake or the original watch the other one cause i know i ruined a event for myself but they killers are different in each movie, so i hope you enjoy it !