I realize i hadn't made an introduction, yet i still feel my work here is self explanatory. not just because each post explains the newest topic on my mind, but because each is so similar. As you have guessed this is the world where i explain things that interest me enough to relate it to art and try to explain what art is to all types of people. This is sort of like the way some teach math in the form of foot ball. (when my step mum tried that i had know idea what anything meant,)
i am abstract,
- Created By Sabriela Hellena
to the art
Now most of you who have read my world may be asking "then why do you call it addictive?" All art is made to the appeal of someone, made to express shared feelings. some people don't even know they felt that way untill they saw the new pice or made one of their own. when a pice of art calls to someone they are pulled to a burried feeling. this is what makes the art addictive, they want more of the thing they can relate to.
As an artist i have been thinking about where my art comes from, most of the time i say it is trom the brain or from my heart. when i think more i can say it is from my past, a life i have lived over and over again.It may be always me but the time and place changes. I see my-self drawing from different time periods, like be for i was in to anime i drew realistic people, and before then animals. This is only a small reflection of how i relive my pasrt lives through my art,in a few years I have seen my freehand drawings expand emencsely, but i know even if i say i hate to do something i can and have already din it in another life.
Art is in every thing that is done, how it is done, how it was imagined. As a fan of abstract things i could describe my brain as a messy room, things that are put in are thrown around and may not ever come out. Things that do often have new oddeties, a house may be twisted, or a stove may have teeth and fur.
{to be continued}
Ok, I must say this, i like being bad. I like sneeking around and not being noticed,I enjoy finding cheep ways to do stuff just so i can tell my friends. i like helping people. I hate people who pretend to be stupid and make you do the real effort!(i may be talking about my brother, you know who you are!)I don't mind being used once in a while, because i may want to use you!