Mindnumbingly awful movies may crush our brains, but they push us to the creative limits. Herein lies what may be our proudest callback from a particularly dark Sunday night...
-From the twelfth Movie Sign, wherein we watched "Monster A-Go-Go", considered by many to be our most painful chat yet. The movie was so inconsistent with no plot (it has a plto instead) that our brains began to wander and attempt to build on the riffs presented by Joel and the 'bots to really pull us through.
-There is a train scene in which two characters are drinking martinis, and the female stirs the olives-on-a-toothpick during conversation. Wait two seconds and, given our state of sanity, an innuendo is born.
-In case you don't get it: It's our way of saying "sex".
-The reason I dub this our "proudest callback" is because it's probably the first riff we made that would do Best Brains proud and one that has become a meme within Movie Sign.
-Can be modified to be any part of speech. "Stir those olives slower (Katana)!", "If you stir Logan's olives, it'll all be over (Miss Anonymous)", "Let's go olive stirring", etc.