
You've just entered a pointless little blog about me.


Real name: Taylor
Looks like: Short wavy strawberry blonde hair,Blue eyes and somewhat tall.
Favorite manga: Black butler.
Favorite anime: Death Note.
Favorite character: Ciel Phantomhive,Near.

OC's :

1.) Grace Savior
2.) Azelia Liberio 'Cage'

So yeah.
If you are interested in drawing one of my OC's PM me or something (:

GUISE,read this plz.

okay, so i log on ere, to telles you guise, i'm on da.

so yeah. watch me or whatevs thar. i'm done with theotaku. it's a dying website :U http://http://infinity4ever.deviantart.com/


Ugh just a quick note here, I wanted to say sorry for being so inactive lately,
So to all my wonderful subscribers~ I ish sorry D': I'll start keeping up with comments again,
And again,sorry.


wa wa wa xD <33

What kind of pants are you wearing?
[ ] Shorts =cutie
[ ] Skirt/skort = skank
[ ] Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[ ] Tight jeans = scene kid
[ ] Ripped jeans = emo
[ ] Cammo = cage fighter
[ ] Jeans = prep
[x ] Pajamas = pimp
[ ] Cargo = clown
[ ] Sweats = athlete
[ ] Boxers = brat
[ ] Booty shorts = female
[ ] Capris = Gangster
[ ] Nothing = hoe
[ ] Dickies = weirdo
[ ] Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[ ] Other = sex addict

What is your natural hair color?
[ ] Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[ ] Blonde = with a broken heart
[ ] Black = with a sexy smile
[] Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Red = that likes to have fun
[x ] Light Brown = who loves to be different
[ ] Dirty blonde= with a nice ass
[ ] Bald = with herpes

Pick the month you were born on:
[ ] January = who ate
[ ] February = who needed
[ ] March = who raped
[ ] April = who shot
[ ] May = who killed
[ ] June = who smoked with
[] July = who banged
[ ] August = who ran shirtless with
[ ] September = who got stabbed horribly by
[ x] October = who cuddled with
[ ] November = who slept with
[ ] December = who ran naked with

Pick the day you were born on:
[ ] 01 = the kool-aid man
[ ] 02 = a dog
[ ] 03 =a bag of weed
[ ] 04 = a toothbrush
[ ] 05 = Santa Claus
[ ] 06 =The Trojan man
[ ] 07 = Barny the dinosaur
[ ] 08 = a prostitute
[ ] 09 = a porn star
[ ] 10 = a shoe
[ ] 11 = my lover
[x ] 12 = a glass of milk
[ ] 13 = a horse
[ ] 14 = a lesbian
[ ] 15 = a stripper
[ ] 16 = a jew
[ ] 17 = a pickle
[ ] 18 = a homo
[ ] 19= an orange
[ ] 20 = my mom
[ ] 21 = a homeless guy
[ ] 22 = a stripper
[ ] 23 = my crush
[ ] 24 = an easter egg
[ ] 25 = a jar of honey
[ ] 26 = a condom
[ ] 27 = a bowl of cereal
[ ] 28 = a french fry
[ ] 29 = your dealer
[ ] 30 = Paris Hilton
[ ] 31 = your grandma

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing:
[ ] Yellow= because im popular
[ ] White = because I'm sexy as hell
[ ] Black = because I love marijuana
[ ] Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[ ] Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[ ] Red= because I'm a pimp and you're jealous
[ ] Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[ ] Purple = because I'm awesome
[x ] Gray = because I got dared
[] Other= because that's how I roll
[ ] Green = because I'm good in bed
[ ] Orange = because I smoke crack
[ ] Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[ ] Brown = because I had to
[ ] Shirtless = because I've got it

I'm a pimp who loves to be different,who cuddles with a glass of milk cause i got dared XDDDD


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READ THIS..................if you want to (:

1. First thing you wash in the shower?
Mah hairr.

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
Redd. (:

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

4. Do you plan outfits?
Pfft. No I always wake up and throw something stupid together xD

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now:
Tired + Bored..I have Homework :/

6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red?
The chair I'm sitting in xP

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
Umm..It was about Death Note xD

8. Did you meet anybody new today?


9. What are you craving right now?


10. Do you floss?
Once in a while :P

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
Fred. xD

12. Are you emotional?

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000?


14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I don't liek icecream.

15. Do you like your hair?

16. Do you like yourself?
Bahah. Somewhat :D

17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
Sure why not?

18. What are you listening to right now?
Um..the Tv..A movies' on.

19. Are your parents strict?

20. Would you go sky diving?
One dayy.

21. Do you like cottage cheese?
Used to.

22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Uhh....No. xD

23. Do you rent movies often?
Yepp. (:

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
My hair tie has sparkles on it. 8D

25. How many countries have you visited?

26. Have you made a prank phone call?
Phoosh yeah xD

27. Ever been on a train?
Nu. D:

28. Brown or white eggs?
Either way

29.Do you have a cell-phone?

30. Do you use chop stick?

31. Do you own a gun?
Yeah. xD

32. Can you use chop sticks?

33. Who are you going to be with tonight?

34. Are you too forgiving?

35. What is your best friend(s)doing tomorrow?
Um..school,then talk to me,then talk to her boyfriend (:

36. Ever have cream puffs?

37. Last time you cried?
Umm..2 days ago

38. What was the last question you asked?

39. Favorite time of the year?

40. Do you have any tattoos?

41. Are you sarcastic?

42. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
Um..I think so.

43. Ever walked into a wall?
YES. Like a couple hours ago.

44. Favorite color?

45. Have you ever slapped someone?

46. Is your hair curly?

47. What was the last CD you bought?
Never Shout Never.

48. Do looks matter?
Not really,but if you don't brush your teeth im not talking to ya. XD

49. Could you ever forgive a cheater?

50. Is your phone bill sky high?

51. Do you like your life right now?
It's okay. (:

52. Do you sleep with the TV on?
I don't have one in mah room. D:

53. Can you handle the truth?

54. Do you have good vision?
Noo. I need glasses xD

55. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?

56. How often do you talk on the phone?
Once in a while.

57. The last person you held hands with?
My..sister in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

58. What are you eating?
I just ate some macaronii.

59.What is your favorite animal?
An Owl.

60. Where was your default picture taken at?
Idk. xD

61. Can you hula hoop?

62. Do you have a job?
I'm signed to an art gallery..does that count?

63. What was the most recent thing you bought?

64. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yeepperz 8D