5 Hours...

And counting. Ah, yes, my gameplay time.
I went to Best Buy and decided to buy this really interesting looking game that I've seen in an ad here on TheOtaku - Magna Carta 2.

It. Is. AMAZING. I've been playing it for over 5 hours and just decided to take a quick break. I may have to turn it off soon, my eyes are killing me. Good thing I decided not to go to my friend's Halloween party this year. The game is too fun. x3

But, yes. Happy Halloween? :'D I'm not really into it much... but scaring people is always fun. Well, sometimes. But anyway, back to my game.

Short post is short. D: I'll have some kind of better update when I'm doing something other than playing video games.
OH~! I have a week off for 'Fall Break'. So, I'll be around more often... promise... *Shifty eyes*
