Alice :D

So, on Sunday I watched the first part of 'Alice' on SyFy. It is SyFy now, right? I keep wanting to spell it SciFi. I miss it that way. ANYWAY~! Not many people have heard about it at my school -- I've been trying to get them to watch it since someone has it uploaded on Youtube but, eh. And I watched part two of the movie yesterday. It was a Miniseries. :3

I absolutely loved it. And I've never been that into Alice in Wonderland but I knew enough about it to understand some of the similarities and such. But it didn't matter too much because 'Alice' was a modern version and it was actually very different.

God, I could rant on and on -- not going to do that, though. I think... 'Alice' has beaten my Doctor Who obsession... at least for right now. xD That is shocking.

LaaDiiDaa, other news. I ordered all of my Christmas presents and wrapped them myself when they came in the mail -- because my parents let me do that. xD They said, 'Why not? You already know what you're getting.' I don't mind. I enjoy wrapping gifts. x3 Anyway, I got some Korean Dramas since I suddenly got interested in them, and two anime -- S.A and Trinity Blood along with some Manga and video games. Haha.

Well, I really have to go study for a test I have tomorrow... it's so hard to study when I'm watching 'Alice' though and it's just so hard to turn it off. xD Bye for now. :3
