it doesnt matter what kind of music you like .i like j-rock ,hard rock ,glam metal, metal and others but i made this world for all kind of music and i want to know what kind of music do you like .if you want to post something in my world pm me and i will update my guest post ,this way this world will be with all kind of music
- Created By enkichan
Sadness and Sorrow
Naruto has an amazing soundtrack, full of ripping action songs to creepy organ solos. However, as a more sullen and soft soundtrack, Sadness and Sorrow stands out as one of my favorite. Including a piano as well as some traditional Japanese instruments, this song almost perfectly captures the emotions of, well, Sadness and Sorrow.
I think that listing to music in the same old language gets kinda my one friend introduced me to this South Korean pop group called B1A4!! I must say I really like them...its not that I understand everything they say but I like em!!! Check them out!
Anyway here they are!!...
Nobody's Hero
this song is so amazing