
Hello! XD

How's life going, everyone? :)
I'm sorry I haven't been able to do any sketches/pictures yet, but I've been super busy with school. I nearly have all 100 observation hours which is GOOD :D but at the same time I'm having issues being able to set up times for all my playing exams -.- so NOT so good.
And I have to have this done...basically this week ><
So stress levels are a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle high. Therefore, give me another week, week and a half and I'll start on them <3

That is all for this update! *bows* Time for some easy mac


Oh gosh

Two Weeks @_@ Two weeks to finish everything I need to do, oh gosh *faint*

But hey, positive side? Roommate was just squirting cheese out and it made a funny splattering noise XD lololol luckily it landed on the cracker!!! (Also, I took a nap earlier *yay* so that was good )

Maki, over!

Practicing arty things

Just messing around with Corel Painter XD It's not a serious picture of any kind so I figured I'd just post it here. I've always loved pictures like this so I thought I'd practice giving it a try XD

Enjoy! XD


By the way I TOTALLY passed my violin exam today! *-* and my professor asked if I had played in HS! I did not! And he said my sound was really good *falls over* Oh gosh, I'm so happy

Free Stuff

Since I did this on Deviantart I figured I should have the same opportunity here XD
Free sketches!!! XD First 10 people get one :) I may even color them if I'm in the mood :P

Only thing, you must give me a few weeks to get started on them, I'm still in major "OMGOSH I NEED TO FINISH ALL THIS STUFF RIGHT NOW SAVE ME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" mode at school so.....:D But art is such a stress reliever XD


PS: Watch me on DA?! (shameless plug lol) link

Winter: 1, Maki: 0

So, here I am drawing a Dark!Liechtenstein fanart, finishing up the inking hand cracks. You see, every winter my hands get SUPER dry and sometimes crack and bleed -.- it's rather disgusting and irritating. Anyway, so it's only ONE small spot but it's like in the hair and...I wouldn't mind SO much if it was on the cheek or the hand!!! ><
XD Oh well, I just feel like complaining.
Do you think I should post this picture when I'm done? It's sort of gun fetishy....Is that the right word? @.@
I like drawing Liechtenstein with guns....because of Switzerland in the anime always shooting at people XD
Hope you're all having a good weekend!!! :D
