12 DAYS!!!!

Until Spring break....but really who's counting? XD

Plans for Spring break?

-Make some cosplays O.o Honestly, I've never made a costume, but Emi and I are planning to cosplay as chibitalia and chibimano (hetalia) for ACen! XD I've only made hats before: link I've also made an Eevee hat, but I didn't have pictures of it since it was for a friend for LAST years ACen XD

-Go visit Emi at her university :D!!! SUPER EXCITED!!! :D

-Draw pictures! And for sure finish anything I haven't been able to finish yet O.o.......lo siento mis amigos :(

-Clean XD Whoo hoo......XD

Still.....12 days left (and that's COUNTING weekends mind you XD) :3 I can't wait!!!!!!

