Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

Boyfriend, The Sketchbook, etc.

Yay~! Boyfriend~! Unfortunately this song and MV are no more than just decent. There's nothing about the song that makes me want to listen to it again, and the MV has a typical 'protecting the girl' story...but I do like these kinds MVs, so they've definitely got me, but the worst part for me was the camera work on the dance. I couldn't see it very well and they kept doing this weird thing where their face would stay still but their body would move. I've seen that in 2pm's Hands Up, though it was odd and ridiculous looking then, still feel the same way. Why would anybody think that's a good idea?

The video is cute and has a nice feel despite it's setbacks. I don't really understand this Kwangmin as the cool guy thing...I've always thought Youngmin was more that type of guy...O.o;

A very The Sketchbook sounding song~! :D I like that we get to see more of the bandmates! *3* The outside scene had a really cool transition, but then when it stayed there I couldn't stop thinking of Gackt's Mizerable.

Not really my kind of music, but it is really nice. I really really love this MV, though! It's so beautiful and crisp!

Haha! XD This song has the same tempo as the last one! XD It's a pretteh okay song. Again, not really my kind of song, but it does sound nice. I like the focus on the lights and how all the places look like something out of a fantasy. It's a really great MV.

I'm really happy this is a guy! XD I saw the thumbnail of it and thought it would be cool if it was a guy, and it is! *3* The song is pretty good and I really like the look of the MV!

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Wai WarnerBros. Entertainment won't you let us see it in HD?!

'nyways, as a Yasutaka Nakata fan I am very very pleased to hear this song! It sounds like his old sweet ice cream sounding song~! <333

The video is a tad boring colour-wise, but it's still very creative.

Great song and fun video~! :D


All of the members look FANTASTIQUE except for when Siwon has that weird fluffy hat thing...just looks like a fluffy mess. I'm not sure if I like the song, but it is an example of good use of 'dubstep' sounds.

The dance is fantastic as always, but the MV itself it's sorta dull...O.o; Not as good as their previous MVs, in meh opinion, but still not awful, just boring.

Not the Jpop girl group! XD

I didn't like the dance ver. so I'm posting the drama ver.. The story is really good and the song is AWESOME! Love that song soooo much. The dance version just didn't do it justic, but the drama version is so much more...dramatic...XD As is the song.

This song is EXCELLENT! I really love the warped sounds! O.O The simple blackness of it is really intriguing and is pretteh good with the song.

Sometimes I don't like Nightmare, and sometimes I do, but I definitely like this song.

Girl's Generation, KIDS, Tasaki Asahi

This song...I don't know if I like it or not, but it doesn't seem like it's made up it's mind on what kind of song it is. It goes all around these different sounds and sometimes it gets me and sometimes it steers me away...but I think as a whole it doesn't really work.

I sorta like the MV and sorta don't...I like the style, I think it's nice, but then I think it's too colourful and busy...which I guess I like that, but it hurts my eyes.....O.o;

I don't hate it, but I don't like it either.

Yah, J-rock! And it sounds and looks like it! But the song is fairly fun and catchy.

WAH! Her vocals are so crisp and lovely~! <333 The song is really nice, too. It's the kind of music I've been missing lately....;3;

Morning Musume

I'm just gonna post the dance shot since from what they've shown us, the actual PVs are pretteh crap.

The song isn't bad and I really like the look of the dance shot! *3*