Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

FT Island, AKB48, Daichi Miura, ACIDMAN, Lead

It's just a nice song and nice video...Not particularly amazing or boring, but it's nice.

I like the sense of space in this video. ACIDMAN is as great as always! Really great song! Quiet a first, but it gets really intense! I wish the video was longer...;3;

Just the dance version. I really like the song, but I'm not sure about their dancing and looks. I mean, individually their dancing is really great, but in such a big group it looks dull.

Woah man...WOAH! Daichi Miura is, of course, being super perfect excellent in his dancing and the song is so great...but sheesh...every new Daichi Miura PV I'm totally blown away by his performance.

LEAD!! Get outta that boring monochrome room and back to your majorly colourful sets..>3> I miss their colourfulness...;3; But, their dancing is still amazing and the song is pretty good.

TVXQ, SHINee, Berryz Koubou

Of course, perfect dancing, but I'm not sure about the song. It's catchy but it isn't much different from their last few songs. I don't really like TVXQ's new electronic image. First off, their lovely voices are being covered by the electronic sounds, their outfits look cheesy, and their songs aren't as mesmerizing. I miss their sleek and cool image...;3;

Wha~!!! This was GREATTT!! I love the directing of this music video! It was so clear and colourful and lovely~! <333 But omigosh, the story is so sad...;3; I mean...when you think about it. Megoshhh why are SHINee the angels of death!? That's so depressing...but the song is very happy and the video isn't depressing...so maybe it's just a peaceful passing. Still, it's really sad.

I actually like this. I don't know what I like about in, but I do. I feel like Tsunku has always wanted to do a PV with lots of black and now he's expressing that urge! XD I still like their Thai themed songs better, that was a fun and colourful period. Now back to the darkness...nah, I kids. I just am not fond of the new songs that Tsunku is doing (although C-ute and Erina Mano just keep getting better and better)


(Sorry for ignoring this world...;m; I've been very tired lately)

I really love everything about this and the song is so much better than I thought....O.O

Sorry, I don't have the strength or internet connection to post more...;m;


I think this MV and style really does Minwoo justice...buutttt everyone else looks weird...O.o; Who thought it was a good idea to put eyeliner on the Jo twins?! Their eyes were already HUGE and the eyeliner just makes it worse. But I'm glad that Kwangmin and Youngmin have similar hair colours/styles! O.O Now I can really distinguish between the two. The song isn't really anything new, which is a shame.

I didn't like the song at first, but there are a lot of good parts in this song that are ridiculously catchy. The dancing is AMAZING! They are soooooo in synch it's almost scary. Their moves aren't particularly complicated, but sheesh....O.O I also really like their outfits, colourful, playful, somehow not as typical?

This video....it's like....everything you can find in the popular photography section of DA put into a video. I think it's very lovely, however I don't see how any of these styles fit together...O.o; But they are all very cool.

The song is interesting, I like those sounds, and the video is really cool.

This is definitely my kind of music. Incredibly catchy and hard to stop listening to! XD The video is pretty cool, too.

Hello, I am J-rock. This is what this video tells me. It doesn't really catch my attention at all...it's just very typical J-rock.

They're singing at some parts about being cold....yes, I can imagine you'd be cold if you wore a belly shirt-like blouse or a camisole top when it's snowing...O.o; Not really their best song. It's very bland.

Song is EXCELLENT and the video is very creative. I really like watching and listening to this~! ^ ^

This song is ridiculously catchy and gives off such lovely vibes. They voices are beautiful, to top it all off.

EXILE, Sonar Pocket, Primary, MYNAME