Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


When it started I was like 'This sounds a lot like jpop' and then they started singing and then I understood why. I wonder if this'll be popular...the video seems rather dark, but maybe that works with the piano? But I do like this (mainly because I respect Apeace for being such a humongous group). I just wish they'd get better clothes...but I can see how that could be hard since there are so many of them.

FIESTAR, Kominami Yasuha, kainatsu, G-Dragon, GOOD4NOTHING

I thought they'd speak Spanish, but they don't...disappointment...but nothing not totally unoriginal. I mean, it's catchy.

I like her hair. Sometimes it makes her look adorable, sometimes it makes her look manly, though...;m; I like the style of the song...only for me to look up that Shiina Ringo is one of her big influences. Makes 100% sense! XD

I really really love this video. It's so airy, clean, and soft~! Song is nice, too.

I love the crisp-ness of this video. It's total eye-candy. However the song is really boring and I don't really like hearing the random censor beeps in the song...it takes away...from....whatever...even without them I don't like the song.

Video is VERY VERY gold...VERY. Almost hurts. But it reminds me of Texas so it's nice. The song is a foot tapper~! :D

Tokyo Girls' Style, Plastic Tree

I feel like...I've only seen them in black and white...that's all their videos have been...black and white. Though I do like this song and I think they have lovely hair in this video and I especially like their hair accessories...but the set reminds me of several jrock videos...but the song is, again, nice.

Video is so weird! XD Those colourful little monsters~! So cute! XD It's definitely different...Ahhh...I just like looking at all those songs...*3*


AKB48...*shakes head* *face palms* Obviously for the male audience...something about their white outfits makes it seem risque to me...O.o; If they wore different colours it wouldn't feel as awkward to me, for some reason...XD Though I do like this as a dance shot because I like seeing what their entire body is doing...there are a lot of times it hard to tell what they're doing when they wear too many clothes. Also it's good from an artistic perspective...BUUUT...butt shots were not needed.

sakanaction, Show Luo, girl next door

I wish this song wasn't as repetitive. It's very catchy...I find myself dancing to it every time I listen to it! XD

As always, Show Luo is FABULOUS~! Awesome video and song! It's not exciting as most of his video, but the effects are still just as amazing.

Girl next door seems to have the ability to make the most generic sounding songs...I used to like them, back then...when their music actually sounded different...now it sounds like every other song, nothing memorable. Also, not sure if I agree with the decisions made in the video. The filtering makes it look cheap and like I'm looking into a box...maybe that's the point...but, at least one youtube, it doesn't look flattering for the video.