Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

G-Dragon, SuG

I've been waiting for this video! G-Dragon looked so adorable in the teasers...but...ehh...video is rather boring...And personally I find it hard to call this music...it's just a bunch of sounds and talking...O.o; Like all rhythm and no melody...O.o;

I almost missed this! I don't know why they didn't put SuG's name at the beginning. But I really like this video, song is pretty ok (I've never been head over heels for any SuG song...that I can think of...except Five Starz! XD) video isn't anything too different...but...LET US SEE THE OTHER MEMBERS! ;m; Oh, by the way I really liked the dancing part! Takeru's skirt looks so cool when it spins! *3*

Ohashi Trio

Of course~! Excellent as always~! The video is a bit more artsy than usual! *3* Reminds me of a play or something. I was sad when it ended...;m;


Not really sure of my opinion. It's different, I think? The song is pretty much like most BoA songs, video is somewhat pretty although some of the effects are unrealistic and mess with the overall atmosphere of the video. The dance is odd, but I give her props or doing all that in heels! O.o;

Fresh Boyz, Junsu Xia, Quruli, U-Kiss

Song is pretty good, but the MV is TERRIBLE. I mean, it's funny, but...gosh...so bad...;m;

Omigosh...this video is so much like the male version of Utada Hikaru's Come Back to Me! O.o; Video isn't too spectacular, but the first thing I thought of when I saw it was that video...XD

It's a tad disappointing because his Tarantellegra was FANTABULOUS, but this one's rather dull.

'course Utada's is really fantastic:

I doesn't understand why she's not popular in America. Even my mom agrees that she has an amazing voice. I don't usually like songs like this, but I love listening to her voice.

This band has such a weird name! XD Quruli? But the video is hilarious and the song is very catchy! XD

This video will be gone in a few days (trust me)

Video is boring, song is catchy, but nothing like their other songs, so if you miss this song it's not a big deal.

PHANTOM, Two X, Julia Oki, Tone Jewel...

Song is very catchy and their clothes look very comfy (that may just be because of the colour). The place is very interesting. I remember going to a place like this. Sorta reminds me of Ohashi Trio's Winterland...sorta...But that ferris wheel....it's just...a wheel...O.o; Or was it supposed to be just a wheel? I feel like they were going for an empty, off the road carnival thing...if that's what they were doing...what's up with the rides and entertainment?

I like the fireworks at the end, but I'm suspicious of them, because I would expect there to be more smoke so certain details of the fireworks would be harder to see.

I really don't like this song. This type of music is where I dislike American music because most of it sounds like this.

However the video looks kinda cool, I like the tinting.

Omaigah, I lovezz~! *3* I love music like this....so very biased...XD The video is simple, yet cute. It works with the song.

SPARKLESSSS!!! Very sparkly song and video...that's all I have to say (actually, I think that sums it up perfectly)

Nowwww Keeki Hime....where is she from if anybody knows?