Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

Plastic Tree, 4minute, s/mileage, Buono!, ROMEO

As always, a nice quiet song by Plastic Tree with BEAUTIFUL cinematography (can I say that for a music video?) I really like the colours.

I've been waiting for a video with this concept....but I really hate this song. I mean, you have a beautiful, genius video and a song that sounds like every other song out there. They should've given a thoughtful song for this MV instead of just y'know, regular kpop song. So many things could be done with the song, with the group, but we get this crap song...blah...I don't mean to bash 4minute every time, they usually have very good videos, but for some reason they don't go out and get risky on the music. In the beginning they were really different, but now they've been keeping it really safe and wasting their talent! ;m;

I really like the dance shot and the song is very fun. But as usual with s/mileage songs, I just can't like it because of their voices. They sound so fake. I mean, you look at Morning Musume (who may be younger than, now except for people like Michishige and Reina) or you look at Berryz Koubou and C-ute when they were this age and their voices were totally not this high pitched. Also the beginning seems a tad perverted...like we're looking really close at their legs...O.o; One more thing. You have perfect lighting in the dance shot, and then for some reason in the close-ups they fade out and make it really bright. It looks so weird, I don't know why they did that.

I really like this video! I mean, there isn't much a dance shot version, but it's a really fun video and omigosh I wanna play jenga now...;3; Also their voices sounds much more mature together in this video. It has a refreshing sound, too.

ROMEO! None other than...Park Jung Ming~! :D Happy to see him again~! It feels like...he's going for a Gackt feel...It just reminds me so much of Gackt 'cause I mean, you have gorgeous young man with a really deep voice wearing dark make-up and dark clothes in a mystical looking background. Also pop with rock sound. I really love the song and the feel. Only thing...pronunciation...I'd like to hear this song in Korean because I think it would feel a bit less awkward than it does.

I hope Park Jung Ming does become the Korean Gackt, that'd be so awesome! :D

AOA, Jeonghayun

That's...really playing with some music right there. It's kinda scary and it's messing with my headphones...XD It kinda reminds me of that axe commercial with the angels. But I do like the video and the music, but it, yeah...it's really messing with my headphones.

I like the song...it sounds like she's saying 'Lady Gaga' ...not sure why...maybe if I knew Koreannnnn. I like the part with the white background for some reason. It's just interesting, those outfits look really cool.


The song is pretty catchy and something about the look, though it's not very original, it just looks so cool. I don't particularly like their outfits, but the wounded look is awesome. I also like all the paint everywhere. It makes 'em look tough without them yelling at you and trying to stomp on your (;m;). I like a good MV with some paint~! :D Also I really like the blonde guy's hairstyle, it just looks so cool even though it's just slightly longer curly hair! XD It's different curly hair than what I've usually seen.


I don't really like the song, but I'm very happy that's she dances to this anyways, despite it being a ballad. And it's also a very good and powerful dance. The video has nice colours, too. Only the finest for BoA! XD


I like this video, it's really charming. Not so sure about the song, maybe it'll grow on me? I just doesn't sound very unique or special....>3> Also, their fashion seems really random, from a biker look, to regular street casual, to colourful suits...what? I do really like how Jang Hyun-seung looks, but I don't think it fits with the music video, 'cause if I were him I wouldn't be wearing that walking down a street...or even at a party...Maybe a fancier party, but not what seems to be a block party. Oh, but those gradient suits are really cool...

Sorry, I keep talking about the outfits, but the video, though it is nice to watch, it feels really mix matched with the song and dance and setting and...yeah, it's weird...XD Not bad, just different, I guess...?