Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


I really like this video and the song. Sure there are some parts that look a tad funky, but it's all happy and energetic and fun. One of the members provided the voice for SeeU! :D

B.A.P , C-Clown

Ermm...I don't think I am the person who should be commenting on them. They've scared me since their first song and I'm still scared of them...;m;

This reminded me of Akira...XD 'cause you had the guy with the handkerchief over his mouth and then some of the places looked like the places in Akira..'orz It's nice and chic, this video. The song isn't something too special, though. The video is good, it's just that sometimes they put in random still frames and it messes up the movement of the video.

Kim Kyu Jong, Sonar Pocket, Siori

The video is pretty, but ug bugg ballads...

Very uplifting sound. She sounds like she's having fun singing, too. Makes me energetic!

The rap part is beautiful! A nice song~! ^ ^


I'm up and down on this video. I guess you could say I'm just disappointed, though, because it looked like it was going to be a really unique video, the outfits are so cool and different, reminds me of an action movie, but then it does the typical MV stuff...The song is pretty okay.

Pretty video, video is pretty. He always has such pretty videos...though why does it seem like he's called by something new each time...Just choose a name, or maybe use your real name and stop confusing us...;m; He was just the vocalist of Ayabie, then he was Aoi from Ayabie, and now he's 168...ug blugg confused...

I never have anything to say about these guys...they're just....jrock...Pure jrock. You watch their videos and its just like a normal jrock video. I do like the light effects. Pretty cooleh.


I don't think this is their main single promoting their mini album, or else the video would've been longer (maybe?). But the song is nice, so I thought I'd post.