Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


Song's pretty nice. The video is very similar to their first one so it's not particularly that interesting...I mean, it's keeping the same feel as their last one. I guess that kinda bores me 'cause I didn't like it in the first place, but I'm sure many feel very different.

I feel bad for Ren 'cause he has to dance with his entire right eye covered. I know how it feels to only be able to see with one eye and it's a very dizzying feeling...;m; It just seems like it'd be a complete nuisance. With that said, it looks pretteh cool. I like their outfits.

Morning Musume

I also missed this PV...what the heck....I blame Higurashi...*shakes head*

'nywayyyss I really like the close-ups. They look like dolls. But I think the effects are over-done...O.o; Like the only good parts ARE the close-ups because that's the only part you can see anything...>3>

I've already watched the dance version leik a billion times so I know the song very well. I kinda wished they didn't upload the dance version until the actual PV, 'cause now the PV seems really boring...XD

Berryz Koubou

I don't have that much time to say this...but this song is AWESOME! I love it! It has a southeast asian kind of feel (not sure what country). Very very catchy song.

And for once the outfits look beautiful.

Risako's hair is a really interesting colour, but it looks nice. I really want to know what colour it is...O.O; Everyone looks beautiful in this PV!

Younha, T-ara

Can't believe I missed this! ;m; Younha has to be one of my favourite Kpop singers. Her voice is beautiful. This song has a very wonderful sound and I can see myself listening to this nonstop! It's very uplifting and exciting (there needs to be more music like this).

The video is so awesome, and I mean AWESOME. Wow...they went to extremes, but it fits with the song! XD 'cause the song is AWESOME.

Felt I needed to post this because the last video didn't have a dance version and this gives you just the song instead of extra stuff ('course the first few minutes of this video is them talking).

I don't understand the point of the flashing, though, because it doesn't really add anything to the video, nor does it go with the song.


yumei hearts u reminded me about the 2ne1 MV! I completely missed it! O.o; Dunno how that happened (I guess I started ignoring them when they started spamming with similar commercials about some other song...it was very annoying).

As always, the MV is really crazy awesome! I don't know about the song. I feel like they made it so that people would forget it because songs that are soft like this I never remember. I really love this MV, except for at the end 'cause I feel like they always wear the same clothes in all their dance parts in all their MVs and it's really getting old. Give them something really weird, maybe long flowing dresses with spikes or something!?

Yep, video, beautiful. Song, eh.