Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

Jang Woo Young

I thought it said Jang Woo Hyuk at first, so I got really excited. But he's not so bad.

There are a lot of parts that look silly and made me laugh, but I respect the video for being so clean. I really love the parts where there's very bright lights on his skin so that it looks like it's white. He has very smooth skin. His moves are also very smooth. I guess it's just a smooth video.

The song isn't so amazing, but it actually does get better as the song goes.

I must say I think this is what music videos should be like. A pretty okay song with a nice video but together they make you want to watch it again. This is totally not my kind of song or video, but I really like it! XD

ZE:A, Dream5

I like this video. It reminds me of going to the movies, or driving in the city at night...*3* Gives me a feeling of nostalgia, too...not exactly sure why. It's much different from any MV I've seen. It's kinda like a TV commercial...leik a commercial for TVs where they're in some fancy New York apartment with nice couches...that's what it makes me think of.

The song isn't anything completely mind blowing, though. It feels more like a good night song, which may be what they're going for. Compared to their other songs this is probably the most boring 'cause they're not fooling around like usual.

Avex is being nice and gave us a LOT of Dream5 videos~! :D

They're getting so much bigger now...;m; Still so kyoot...*3*

They call this a 'dance video' but two of the members aren't even dancing, they're just standing in the spaces singing. But with that said, they don't really need to dance 'cause the other three dominate! >:D

Now one of their silly songs~! :D Gonna learn meh periodic of table of elements~! :D Good song for kids, good song. Though it think it would've been more effective for learning if they said something about what they do or what makes each element unique, but I think that would probably take too long....XD

LED Apple, pirokalpin

They are rocking those uniforms! XD I like the dance, it's silly...though I think they should've given them looser outfits 'cause it looks like it's hard to lift their knees. Interesting place to shoot a MV, too. At a pool...? Like it's somebody's house any they're having a pool party....O.o; I think a should would've fit better.

This is such a pretty video! *3* I love the mix of blue and red! It's so contrasting and crazy beautiful. The watery effect is also very beautiful. Nice video, nice video.

Super Junior, T-ara

YAY~! Super Junior! I actually wasn't very excited for this. I'm very glad the song is different than what I thought from the teaser. It's a bit empty with Heechul, but hey! We got Kangin back~! :D The dance is FANTASTIC! Though the video is kinda boring. The song is pretty good, but I think it'll grow on me even more! XD

The song is pretteh nice. It gives a nice atmosphere. Another drama video, but the story and style reminds me of a one of those Japanese action shows where the girls have these cool outfits and have the samurai swords and all being all cooleh. It's interesting.


They obviously know what they're doing. I thought this was Japanese at first, but I already knew that SHU-I was a Korean group. I personally love this song! The video looks like most Kpop MVs nowadays it seems (I mean like very recently everyone's been doing the white rooms and crazy clothing look....O.o;).