Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


I'm actually very disappointed with this video. It looks like they took the dance shots from previous videos and just put them together. I kept checking to see if this was just a dance shot, but nope, this is the whole music video. And then the parts that don't have then dancing look like those beauty commercials...O.o;

Song is okay. But, yeah, very disappointed. And I don't want to say that, but that's exactly what this is.


It's nice to see U-Kiss again. I feel like they have a new music video out liike every few months. They work too hard! ;m;

But this song, video, isn't really anything. The dance looks like a combination of all their dances, and the song is incredibly catchy, it's still good, and it's still U-Kiss. The bathroom scenes...ugh, that bathroom is so dirty...;m; I don't like bathrooms in music videos, they always scare me! ;m;

I don't really have much of an opinion of this....>3>

Mano Erina, The Birthdays

This song and video is totally unexpected! I did not see this coming from H!P at all! Though I'm not sure if Mano Erina's voice exactly fits with the song, I do like how Japan takes what America makes really scary and makes it more light hearted. The song is wonderful, but the video doesn't make much sense. It's still really cool, though!

I like the roses on the ground. I wonder if the PV would go somewhere else than just roses...that's the problem with short versions, you only see the boring beginning, no matter how beautiful it looks.

Big Bang, Wonder Girls

THEY ALL LOOK SO AWESOME! I would have never thought any of what they were wearing would work, but holy crap, they just look so awesome. The part where G Dragon has a single horn, I keep thinking he has cat ears...XD The beginning scared the crap outta me, though.

The song is just like most Big Bang songs, though.

The video is so cute, I love how they just skip on their way to dancing. But the song is SOOO SCARY! ;m; WHY'D THEY DO THAT!? TT^TT It's catchy, but...so scary...;m;

I like her hair~! I always like those videos with the really shiny tile! *.* The video is a bit plain, but the song is very nice.

Sweety, SUPER GIRLS, Urbangarde

This video reminded me of Nozomi Tsuji...;w; If only she was in this video. Their voices are so 'Nya~-y' it's very cute. I like the softness of the video.

I know they're all wearing bikinis, but it something about their outfits don't seem too revealing...I'm guess 'cause it's not like most of those videos where the girls are wearing the same kind of bikinis, no they're wearing bikinis in style in this video. I like the overall look of the video. It's kinda like an AKB48 song, or just normal Jpop. But it's summah, so it's adorable~! X3

I feel bad for her back-up dancers...THEIR PANTS ARE SO TIGHT! But I like the composition of the video and the colours they used. It all works. I also like her soft voice, it's interesting...yet I don't want to watch it just 'cause the guys' pants are too tight. But the song is really good.