Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

MYNAME, A-JAX, Plastic Tree

Much different from 'Message'...at the end I was like 'Oh my, that's going a bit too far, sir'...XD But I guess it made it more dramatic. Nice action at the end, though. The dance is very nice.

This reminds me of EXO's Mama or Xia's Tarantallegra. I wonder what those songs would sound like on the radio...it's like some normal pop and then this epic piece...XD I dunno if I like it as much as those two. I don't think this style of music is something new 'cause if you look back on practically all of H.O.T.'s songs they all sound pretty much like this and TVXQ has a few similar to this (not exactly the same). I guess that kind of music is being brought back.

They certainly look cool, but I don't understand, after having these amazing outfits and designs and crazy backgrounds, they wear white....it makes everything seem very hot and uncomfortable and I don't understand the need for the white! ;m;

I feel like I'm bashing them, but it is a pretty good video and song, just not entirely mind blowing, I guess.

It's a very nice video, it's a bit eerie, though, but I think that's Plastic Tree's whole point. It's a video I've been waiting from Plastic Tree...'cause I'd look at their pictures and then get disappointed by their videos, and this one is like their pictures, finally. It's a nice song, too. They don't do loud music.

Teen Top

I've been waiting for this! *3* The song's pretteh nice, I'm not a fan of the video, though...something about this 'tough guy' kind of look bothers me...O.o; Or maybe it's just bad acting...The girl, the entire time, I kept thinking she was somebody from Teen Top 'cause she doesn't look feminine at all. Why'd they dress her up like that? Confusing meh...>3>

I really like Chunji's hair! It reminds me of the bad guy from this one drama I watched, his hair looked so cool. Orange with black, genius.

The dance is really interesting, not sure what's going, but that's a good thing! XD Everyone looks pretteh good, too.

I just have mixed feelings.


The song is amazing~! But they look creepy with hardly any eyebrows...but their skin looks very soft...But I guess that's what'cha get with visual kei. Ya gotta have some creepiness.

B1A4, Norazo

This video is so different from any (Korean) MV I've seen! It's really interesting that they chose to do a western (except Sandeul's just looks like he's from the '70's)! XD I love all their outfits, they look AMAZING on all them! I also love how they're singing quietly and having party...XD You'd like it would be very loud like their last one.

But that girl at the end! Le gasp! She's cheating on him!? ;m; Or is he cheating on her, too? I don't count dancing behind somebody's back cheating on them, but this could be some sort of symbolism...or that ignore your girlfriend and she'll move on.

This made me laugh so hard I cried (I never do that)...Omigosh! XD The whole thing is a parody of The Professional...and it just killed me...XD They're singing a 'lalala~!' kind of song while they're trying to assassinate some girl...XD Lee Hyuk looks a bit creepy as the little girl, though...but that adds to the hilarity! XD


I really love this video! XD It's so funny and colorful! The way she dances reminds me of Maki Goto (probably a HUGE compliment considering it is coming from me)...and she kinda looks like Miki Fujimoto (except she looks more like G.NA...XD). It's a good catchy song, too.

I see that some people think this is degrading...but really that kind of stuff is just catchy and fun (in my opinion) not every time is 'sexy' a bad thing...O.o; Goto Maki does much worse stuff than this and you don't hear her fans complaining....O.o;

Also! That hair colour! It's like External Image Maybe that's why I love this video so much! XD

The video reminds me of F.cuz's Jiggy video just because of the the colorful backgrounds, but other than that it's rather original (except when it comes to their hairstyles/looks). The one with the curly hair looks like Lee Jeongmin from Boyfriend! The song....I don't know what my opinion is on it...some parts I don't really like, but I can see it growing on me...It reminds me of the afternoon (probably why I'm not blown away by it).

Not sure if I like this video...it all seems very eerie...And I know they usually have that clown guy in their PVs, but I think he is especially creepy in this one.

But the song is as pleasant as always.