Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

BACK-ON, Aya Hirano, today is the day

I don't really like this song...I dunno why...usually I like Back-on songs (or was it just that one time 'cause of mini....why do I like mini so much!?). But the video has nice colours and the have nice hair~! :D

I DID NOT RECOGNIZE HER AT ALL! HOLY CRAP! I like her voice as always. But I recognize that outfit...I'm not sure where...and the second outfit reminds me of Chie Satonaka...XD The song isn't bad...but that outfit is annoying me 'cause I can't remember where I've seen it...>3>

It sounds like most jrock, but the video is nice and artistic-ish...I like the look of it. The sound isn't bad, it just doesn't sound too different than most songs I've heard...no offense...;m;


This video is awesome. I love it with the rap it really adds to the drama, man...*.* It got me, though 'cause I thought both the guys were doing bad, doing drugs, beating up people, but it was just that one guy...;m; I wonder if this has a movie and I hope they becomes friends again...Despite that.

I don't know what the artist's name is, but I like the beat in the background, but the video reminds me of liike 2000's or mid-2000's American music videos...XD

Girls's Generation TTS

The started out with brass instruments so I got really excited, but I was disappointed. If you're a fan of Girls' Generation you may like this, I don't really know. The MV is a bit interesting, but nothing completely new. It's not the whole group, though, so there isn't a really big problem if this MV isn't so great.

TM Network, U-Kiss, girl next door, IVY, etc.

The entire time in this PV I'm waiting for something bad to happen...XD I dunno, the video just has that kind of feel. The song feels a bit nostalgic...like early 2000s or late '90's.

I dunno if I'm a fan of the song, but I like the video. It has a powdery feel and it kinda reminds me of Urata Naoya's Baby Bang video. I'm very happy any time there is some Kiseop singing, but that always cover up his voice...WAI? He's a good singer! It's like with Saki Shimizu they would always cover up her voice even though she was probably better than some of the main singers in the group. Just 'cause it's not as good as Takahashi Ai's doesn't mean it should be covered up...>3>

Umm, back to U-Kiss. I really love the red they use...It looks more elegant than the usual black and red look.

Has such a '90's feel~! X3 I love it! However the video is rather plain...so much different than their usual music videos...Wai...!? ;m;

WOAH! A GIRL JUST CAME OUTTA THE DIRT! How'd they do that?! This is a really interesting MV. Something about people in mud I just find to be beautiful...*.* This MV is just amazing...*.*. It's a ballad so I don't really know what to say...O.o;

The song and video kind scare me. Once the singing comes in it's just beautiful, though. I love the singer's voice in Karasu.

I like their outfits with their hair. It gives a bit of a retro feel, but it's nice and warm and colourful. A very nice MV, I wish I saw more of these. Korean rock~! :D

THIS VIDEO IS SO AWESOME! Something about the monotone colour split is just too awesome. Makes me freak out...XD The part with the words is pretty simple, but for some reason I love it to death. This is a very fun PV.

AAA, Tokyo Girls' Style, etc.

The song sounds familiar, and the video isn't that great...but I still LOVE THAT SONG! ;3; SO AWESOME! And it's AAA, pfft, I shall shower it with love. I did like how the camera would move around them like that, that was pretteh cool.

It's a ballad. It's pretty out there. I like their white outfits. I like these videos 'cause they seem very magical and remind me of some sort of fantasy story...O.o; Just waiting for a little hobbit to pop out with a locket (why? I dunno, but I foresee it)

Her voice sorta reminds me of Ayumi Hamasaki, except this lady's voice is more traditional and lovely (not that Ayumi Hamasaki's isn't lovely...it's just a different kind of lovely). A nice song.