Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


FINALLY! ;m; My friend at school and I have been crying over it not being released for DAYS...;m; WHY WASN'T IT RELEASED A LONG TIME AGO!? ;m;

I must say, I really loved this video and the dance looked really fun (it seems like most of SHINee's dances are really complicated moves, except this one), and the overall feel reminds me of a movie or something...*.* It IS A FREAKING MAGICAL MV~! *.*

I absolutely ADORE Taemin's short hair~! Adorable, adorable...*rolls on floor*

I liked their bohemian looking style, too~! Good contrast with the more formal attire that they wore in other scenes. I thought that look was different (though After School RED had something similar to that...except it felt more like SouthWestern or something rather than bohemian...)

Poor guys, releasing the same day as SHINee...'orz The last time this happened with Suju's release at the same time as a debut group it was very sad 'cause you knew you'd never see the guys again, and you didn't...>3>

I really like this MV, though (except for the dancing parts just 'cause I felt like it didn't fit with the rest of the video and it wasn't too original). Their voices are BEAUTIFUL~! I love the mixing and the little background sound effects (like the sparkling sounds). And that old broken stuff looks so beautiful with the rest of the video...it's so soft and dusty feeling like chalk.

Morning Musume, Sashi Hararino

Morning Musume goes autotune...;m; Wai gaiz!? If you are really new to autotuning and dubstep, please do not use it in your songs, it won't make it any better. It's like taking somebody else's song and putting it in yours with it having nothing similar in harmony etc. with the song...Just makes no sense.

Poor Michishige's the only one with autotune...;m; I like the melody of the song, just not all that stuff Tsunku put in there. I know they're trying to keep with the new audience, but do it in a way that actually FITS. But then again, that's a good part of Morning Musume, that Tsunku tries to stick with the times...which is why certain parts of this song are genius.

It feels so empty with Takahashi Ai and so many other members...;m; But I'm very glad to see the newest members again 'cause I love them so much~! X3

(I almost thought this was apart of H!P when I realized that avex uploaded it...XD). I like the video it's magical in a...normal way...O.o; If that makes any sense...'cause it looks like she's exploring a mall or something plus the popstar girl is like a magical girl. Something out of my dreams...XD


I.like.these.girls. They're such amazing dancers. Oh, wait, it's avex...they really know how to handle their dancing groups (must have some very good choreographers).

I like their more mature style and that they HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE DANCING AMAZING! *3*

Reminds me of Kpop a tad, though...O.o; Still, they're pretty much unlike anything I've ever seen.


My friend saw this before me ('cause she stays up way later than me) and started tell talk to be about it and I just gave her a sad face 'cause I didn't get on the internet until today..;m;

OMIGAH~! The video is so lovely~! I'm not really a fan of their hairstyles (though CNU's is pretteh creative...but I'm tired of him looking like that, I want him without the glasses...;m;)

And, of course, the lovely company has given us what we've all been waiting for! An MV of on of Jinyoung's songs~! I thought it sounded like something he would compose...it has the pattern, it seems, but it's totally awesome 'cause I love anything that Jinyoung has made so far~!

Mano Erina

A sweet song and video. The song starts out kinda plain, but then it gets AWESOME! *.*