Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

Yu-yu, Ohashi Trio

I missed some of my favourite singers...;m;

Yu-yu's voice is always so beautiful. I really love the sound of this song and the style that she is singing in. I feel like I can't get enough of Yu-yu~! So beautiful!!

Just pics, but the song is fun.

EXO, J, Nightmare, TVXQ...

The sound kinda reminds me of a DBSK song...O.O That hands in pockets dance kills me...XD But besides that I really love their voices and how they pronounce their words and the dance is really fun. Their outfits are pretteh cool, too. I look forward to seeing more from them~! I want to see more of what they're like because I feel like they're doing that Suju thing that they did with TWINS and you look at them now and you can't believe it's the same group...XD I hope it's something like that...overtime they become their own thing and influence others.

But I think it was a terrible decision to release that first video/song and all those teasers because it hyped them up waayyy too much and the first video/song was pretteh boring...especially with all that hype. I bet if they released it after this one it would've been like 'Woah! This is a pretteh awesome song'...but nope....

It's liiike American rock...? Interesting, I guess...I like the video, not particularly a fan of the music, though...O.o;

Yes, it's THAT Nightmare. This song as a really cool guitarXvocals part! *.* Really nice song, and of course, Yomi has beautiful vocals.

It's a ballad...but it's Changmin and Yunho so it makes up for it. I like the 'boom' sounds in the back...I dunno how they made that sound...sounds like they're stomping. Yunho looks so pretty in that lighting! *.* I like the girl's hair...okay, I just love this PV...XD (Changmin's pronunciation sounds cool...XD)

Random B1A4 treat~! :D I just think this video/song is hilarious! XD

Nine Muses , Berryz Koubou

I really love this song, and the feeling of the video is so much different than any other video I've seen. I love their hair and those outfits~!*.* It looks tough and feminine at the same time~! >:D

Super Heroes! I always thought of Berryz Koubou having a fairly super hero-ish style. I really love this~! It reminds me of Pokemon! Their outfits are adorable, too. And OMIGOSH! LOOK AT MOMOKO'S HAIR! *.* WOW! How'd they do that? It's so adorable~! Risako's hair is really cool, too! It has highlights at the tips...kind like a gradient...that's new! Miyabi's hair reminds me of Goto Maki's hair at one time...O.O 'tis cute on her~! X3

I totally flipped out when Saki had her solo~! ;w; YAY~! Tsunku must have realized how great a singer she is~! :D


When it started I was blown away! *.* It's a really awesome video! I thought G-Dragon looked really weird with that one strip of hair, but it looks SOOO AWESOME in red! It's like a KRPG! *.* The only thing is that the song sounds too similar to a lot of songs I've heard...'orz

The video is very light, as is the song, but it seems...not so...creative...compared to that Big Bang video. But I like his white outfit! *.* The song has that japanese mixing like with Sketchbook (I think...maybe I heard in other songs).

My kind of song and video~! >:D Only thing is that I'm not a fan of the outfits...but I LOVE the girl with the short hair's hairstyle! *.* I want my hair cut like that (if it isn't already...O.o;).

I think I would like this video more if it weren't so dark! ;m; It's very pretty, though. But it reminds me of Karasu's Ressha (with the beautiful Kento Yamazaki) because it has a train a model walking around....O.o; And it's a rock song.

NERDHEAD, Miss A, etc.

NERDHEAD...as many times as I've seen them...still not sure what they are..O.o;

Felt like adding this guy in.

Miss A's new MV is LOVELY~! That song is...gosh, Miss A always has some ridiculously unique sounding and catchy songs~! *.*

Oh, but is it just me or does it seem like almost every kpop artist has an album or single called 'TOUCH'?