Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^


Both of these singers go AAAA a lot....XD

Dear Yasu,

You are very, very ugly and hard to look, but your voice is like an angel's so I will look at you. So please continue your music career and never become a model! :D


Really, Yasu is VERY ugly, but the song is awesome and his voice is awesome, so it makes up for all the bad!

Jurian Beat Crisis is kinda getting old...But, I still like her energy! The video is...not at all as good as their other ones...O.o

Music videos should be outside more...I mean, unless they have to do with the inside or something, at least make them in a building or just something....I'm tired of seeing people in unrecognizable worlds...O.o Sometimes it's cute, but I like seeing random details in random places, not just all white with their own details put in there ('tis not at all the same).

Stuck in my head...TT^TT

The following songs I listened to...like once in few days...and they're stuck in my head! TT^TT Plus two really catchy Lee Jung Hyun songs...XD

Can't get this song out of my head. It's like it was made to stick in your head forever...O.O It's a pretteh good song, too. But the dance bothers me...when they go 'A-a-a-a-aaah-aaah~!' their jumping or whatever doesn't match the beat or whatever at all...O.o I mean, that's like the part of the song where you're SUPPOSED to do that one dance where you move your torso side to side...O.o Why didn't they do that!? But besides that I like everything else! XD

The song...you start it and you're like 'What the heck is this crap!?' it's really bad quality and seems like a cheap rip off of R&B or whatever and it just seems really stupid. BUT then you watch and listen to more and more...and then you just can't help but love it! TT^TT This was actually the first Pucchi Moni song I had ever heard. I didn't like it at first, but now I love it! XD

I mean, the video and everything is still rather stupid and cheap...BUUUT the song is GENIUS! O.O

I listened to this a while ago while doing my homework...and it's still in my head...O.o I don't even know if they were trying to make this song catchy...but...it won't get out of my head...TT^TT

Then some Lee Jung Hyun! :D I love all her songs! This one (and the next one) I heard on Last.fm and immediately loved! >:D

I wonder if they made her voice higher, or she was actually singing that high...O.o I can do that...XD Just wonder if she can...XD

This was hard to find...O.o The quality is bad...TT^TT I actually like this song better than the last one...XD

Moar! Moar!!

Since none of these really have any relation to eachother (except that they're all from avex) the title makes...no sense...O.o

Yay~! A new Kaori Mochida song! Her voice...is...PERFECT! O.O I mean, if it wasn't for her voice in this video...I'd find the song INCREDIBLY boring, but her vocals...ohhh, man, her VOCALS! TT^TT I like listening to quiet songs with good vocals...it's just soooo wonderful...TT^TT

Another quiet song~! But I do like Yuko Ando's voice, it's interesting. It's not like Kaori Mochida's, but it has it's own kind of sound to it. I also like this song because of her vocals. It also has a very nice feel to it...

WAAHHH!! Half-life~! Yet another AWESOME song! >:D I love videos like this, where they have random pictures of just life...It makes me feel happy. I like the feeling of the film, also, if it weren't for that (like if I had a different kind of colouring or filter) I wouldn't love this PV so much! Because the song is called J-pop...I wonder what he's talking about...O.o Is it just like...a love song or something...I wanna figure it out! TT^TT Or look up some lyrics...:D

They all have the pretty same feel, don'cha think? Well, they all give me the same feeling, and I love them all! :3

Daichi Miura - The Answer

Sqqquuueeeeeee!!! Holy CRAP, Daichi Miura! THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME!! TT^TT I love the dance and the song and just the whole thing! *dies*

I don't have much to say...since...well...it's awkward ignoring my family members while staying at their house to talk about this...XD AND this song/video/dance...well...I'm partially speechless, it's soooo awesome! And I can't really watch the video for the reason above, so when I get back I'm excited to watch this in full and not just listen to the song (I'm also very busy and have several things to get to).

Anna Tsuchiya - Brave Vibration

Is...this an old Anna Tsuchiya song...?

I don't have much to say. Again, I'm not an Anna Tsuchiya fan...I don't really like he music...>.>