Welcome to the place where I post anything that has to do with East Asian music!

New Music Videos, New Song Previews, Info About Certain Bands/Singers, etc. anything that I decide to do that'll make it more fun to listen to music!

I will try my best to keep you guys up to date with bands/singers' new music and music videos!

So Please Enjoy~!

About the Name:

I know, it's a very strange title for a music world. But most bands and singers that I've seen always cheer at their lives to make the crowd more excited and that's the kind of feeling I get from the music I like. So cheer! And be happy! ^ ^

AAA - Heartbeat

Again, I don't know about the title...>.>

EEEEEEEEEE!!!! ^ ^ SOOOO HAPPY! I've been waiting for AAA's new video since they usually release their new (and best) songs during July! ^ ^

However...I want to see the full version because I'm a bit disappointed. Is it just a duet of Chiaki and Misako!? TT^TT I want to hear everyone else, too! TT^TT

I mean, I really like Chiaki and Misako and I've always thought Chiaki needed to be on of the mainies...buuuut...that doesn't mean the other guys shouldn't be singing.

No Urata Naoya or Nissy...TT^TT WHAT THE HECK!?

But I do love this song...I just want to hear the guys...And why does it seem like they always over-mix Mitsuhiro Hidaka's rapping parts? I can never hear his voice just strange sounds and mixes...O.o

And I'm even more disappointed that THEY'RE NOT OUTSIDE, STILL!! TT^TT

I loved their PVs where they were outside. I mean, I still like their other PVs when they're not outside, but there's just something about their dancing and singing when they're outside that makes me so happy! ^ ^

And...Nissy...hasn't smiled for the past few PVs...this is...getting on my nerves. SMILE ALREADY! TT^TT He's making the videos so depressing...>.>

He used to always smile while he dances and sings, but now just a bit while he sings...I wonder what happened...>.>

And Misako and Chiaki have gotten more duet parts...Which are okay, but again, I WANT TO HEAR EVERYONE ELSE!! >:0

I can't wait for their next one! Maybe their next one will have everyone singing and outside and Nissy will be smiling! ^ ^ (I only hope...and I have been for so long...)

Anna Tsuchiya - Shout in the Rain

It's a bit too dramatic to me...O.o And I'm not that big of an Anna Tsuchiya fan. I would say this song is okay, I don't particularly love it.

Not much to say here...^ ^;

Kie Kitano - Flowers

Not sure about the title...>.> Is it supposed to be Hana or Flowers or something completely different?

It's just a preview, but it's a pretty nice song. I like the PV, I like all the colours and her hair styles. Plus her dress thingy, it looks really cool.

And the song is very fun, doesn't it just make you smile?

Very sweet song and sweet video!

S/mileage - Ganbaranakutemo Eenende!!


The song is catchy...but the dance...is...every time I look at it I'm embarrassed for watching it! TT^TT My problem is the singing...As usual, I HATE S/mileage's singing. I doubt that their voices are actually that high pitched in real life (they're older than me...>.>). Not only is their dance terrible, they didn't do a very job at doing it...O.o They're not together...

And WHY ARE THEIR SKIRTS SO SHORT!? I mean, I've seen short skirts, but not that short (not even in manga)...O.O

Doesn't look that short until you realize how they're dancing...I'm surprised we can't see their underwear...or we can, but it's the poofy frilly kind...>.>

Well, the song IS pretty catchy ('cept for the nee-ye-ye-ye parts...) I like the song, but I don't like anything else! ^ ^;

Gackt - EVER

So the song is awesome, Gackt-sama looks awesome, but the PV! TT^TT The guy at the beginning...couldn't speak English, and on top of that he had a James Earl Jones kind of voice...or...that I could kinda tell...O.o

And GACKT-SAMA YOU CAN'T DANCE! TT^TT And directors, STOP MAKING GACKT-SAMA DANCE! TT^TT Or at least teach him or something, he looks so silly! TT^TT

What the heck was the story!? It was...so...so...cliche...O.o That was a terrible PV, I thought Gackt-sama would be rich enough to get a good quality PV like his other ones (specifically Setsugekka, that was WONDERFUL). Or at least Avex would actually think up a better PV...>.>

I mean, Maki Goto got some awesome PVs...Why can't Gackt get some?

Well, at LEAST the song is good...