The song is catchy...but the dance...is...every time I look at it I'm embarrassed for watching it! TT^TT My problem is the singing...As usual, I HATE S/mileage's singing. I doubt that their voices are actually that high pitched in real life (they're older than me...>.>). Not only is their dance terrible, they didn't do a very job at doing it...O.o They're not together...
And WHY ARE THEIR SKIRTS SO SHORT!? I mean, I've seen short skirts, but not that short (not even in manga)...O.O
Doesn't look that short until you realize how they're dancing...I'm surprised we can't see their underwear...or we can, but it's the poofy frilly kind...>.>
Well, the song IS pretty catchy ('cept for the nee-ye-ye-ye parts...) I like the song, but I don't like anything else! ^ ^;