Just had to post it...TT^TT

I know, I know, there've been SEVERAL really good releases...but...yeah...SEVERAL...I've missed wayyy too many. But I REALLY wanted to post this AAA video because it was the most surprising out of all of them (that and it's AAA...XD):

First of all, I love the lighting, I love the...what is it...the filter on the video? Everything looks so smooth~! <333 And the song is wonderful because it starts out slow and then gets really nice and happy.

The dance is pretteh good and it's fun seeing their own kinds of dances inbetween.

But the setting of the music video is VERY interesting because it's old timey american. Well, you do usually see that kind of stuff...but something about this makes it seem like it's from the 1800's or something...It has a very different feel than any Jpop or Kpop or Tpop (or any music video that wasn't American) video.

Everyone looks so soft and pretty and their clothing is liike that kind of fashion I'll never understand...O.o; It looks good...but how do I get from point A to point B?
