
(Posting this in here since it's makes more sense for my to post about music in a music world...XD)

I've been looking at random jrock bands for the past few hours. I thought I'd share my favourites:

(I already know the band...this is just the video that started my clicking around...XD)

This video is just so beautiful. I don't usually like the hairstyles of the guys in this video, but everything just seems to work so well! *.* ...O-oh yeah, music! XD He has a nice deep voice that's a bit soft, I think that sounds great with music like this.

This song is seriously crazy. I mean, it probably gets you from the beginning, right? It got me. The guy has a really sweet sounding voice...then the song just gets more and more. If it was just the beginning, I think I would have been fine but then it just gets you from behind with awesomeness.

Fluffy hair! *.* No really, I only watched it 'cause I saw the guy with the fluffy hair! XD It's a nice soft song to listen to before going to bed (actually, I listen to louder songs than this to go to bed, but still, this song is like a lullaby for me...;3;) It's not actually that soft...it just feels that way.

Okay...the main singer looks like a little boy...I just think that's adorable. Beside that, the video is awesome and I love the room they're in! Another soft song, but it's more like something I'd stop my foot to (stomp, not tap...that's how great it is...XD).

Another song of awesomeness. Much louder than the past two, but definitely something to stomp and kick something to. His voice sounds similar to some other rock band, though...it's on the tip of my tongue...>3> I think it's the guy from Half-life that he sounds like...

Love this band even if most of their music sounds more like jpop. Still pretty much jrock (they've got instruments). Another song that gets you from behind.

Colours~! It is colourful sounding music. Makes you pumped.

A girl jrock band. One that is not screaming at you~! :D The girl is really good at singing, too.

I almost couldn't stop listening to this song. It just sooo good! *3* The guy's voice is also calm and comforting, so it works well.

(I like rock with soft voices, if you can't already tell...XD)

Okay, bye-bye~! Maybe some of this stuff has lead you into a world of forever clicking as it has for me...;orz
