EXO, J, Nightmare, TVXQ...

The sound kinda reminds me of a DBSK song...O.O That hands in pockets dance kills me...XD But besides that I really love their voices and how they pronounce their words and the dance is really fun. Their outfits are pretteh cool, too. I look forward to seeing more from them~! I want to see more of what they're like because I feel like they're doing that Suju thing that they did with TWINS and you look at them now and you can't believe it's the same group...XD I hope it's something like that...overtime they become their own thing and influence others.

But I think it was a terrible decision to release that first video/song and all those teasers because it hyped them up waayyy too much and the first video/song was pretteh boring...especially with all that hype. I bet if they released it after this one it would've been like 'Woah! This is a pretteh awesome song'...but nope....

It's liiike American rock...? Interesting, I guess...I like the video, not particularly a fan of the music, though...O.o;

Yes, it's THAT Nightmare. This song as a really cool guitarXvocals part! *.* Really nice song, and of course, Yomi has beautiful vocals.

It's a ballad...but it's Changmin and Yunho so it makes up for it. I like the 'boom' sounds in the back...I dunno how they made that sound...sounds like they're stomping. Yunho looks so pretty in that lighting! *.* I like the girl's hair...okay, I just love this PV...XD (Changmin's pronunciation sounds cool...XD)

Random B1A4 treat~! :D I just think this video/song is hilarious! XD
