Morning Musume, Sashi Hararino

Morning Musume goes autotune...;m; Wai gaiz!? If you are really new to autotuning and dubstep, please do not use it in your songs, it won't make it any better. It's like taking somebody else's song and putting it in yours with it having nothing similar in harmony etc. with the song...Just makes no sense.

Poor Michishige's the only one with autotune...;m; I like the melody of the song, just not all that stuff Tsunku put in there. I know they're trying to keep with the new audience, but do it in a way that actually FITS. But then again, that's a good part of Morning Musume, that Tsunku tries to stick with the times...which is why certain parts of this song are genius.

It feels so empty with Takahashi Ai and so many other members...;m; But I'm very glad to see the newest members again 'cause I love them so much~! X3

(I almost thought this was apart of H!P when I realized that avex uploaded it...XD). I like the video it's magical in a...normal way...O.o; If that makes any sense...'cause it looks like she's exploring a mall or something plus the popstar girl is like a magical girl. Something out of my dreams...XD
