MYNAME, A-JAX, Plastic Tree

Much different from 'Message' the end I was like 'Oh my, that's going a bit too far, sir'...XD But I guess it made it more dramatic. Nice action at the end, though. The dance is very nice.

This reminds me of EXO's Mama or Xia's Tarantallegra. I wonder what those songs would sound like on the's like some normal pop and then this epic piece...XD I dunno if I like it as much as those two. I don't think this style of music is something new 'cause if you look back on practically all of H.O.T.'s songs they all sound pretty much like this and TVXQ has a few similar to this (not exactly the same). I guess that kind of music is being brought back.

They certainly look cool, but I don't understand, after having these amazing outfits and designs and crazy backgrounds, they wear makes everything seem very hot and uncomfortable and I don't understand the need for the white! ;m;

I feel like I'm bashing them, but it is a pretty good video and song, just not entirely mind blowing, I guess.

It's a very nice video, it's a bit eerie, though, but I think that's Plastic Tree's whole point. It's a video I've been waiting from Plastic Tree...'cause I'd look at their pictures and then get disappointed by their videos, and this one is like their pictures, finally. It's a nice song, too. They don't do loud music.
