Girls' Generation, Boyfriend, M-tiful, The Cherry Cokes

The video reminds me of an Ayumi Hamasaki PV...I wonder if that's what they were trying to do since it's in Japanese...O.o; It just has that kind of style (Ayumi Hamasaki's PVs always reminded me of an American movie...O.o;). Not sure if I particularly like the song...but I do like their outfits.

What's with these white backgrounds? It reminds me of their first single...But I like their outfits! They're cute and light coloured with spikes! *3* I like the song, too! It reminds me of a Johnny's song! XD Despite it all having a white background, I actually like it. It's plain, but fun. I think that's an accomplishment right there. Making white backgrounds not as boring.

The song's pretteh good. It reminds me of a certain genre of music...but I can't think of what it would be...maybe it's just a mix of a bunch of different genres. The video is nice.

SOOOO WEIRD! This is so different than any song I've heard! I like it! >:D I like the colours in the video, too. It's Japanese-Irish punk music! XD So crazy!
