PHANTOM, Two X, Julia Oki, Tone Jewel...

Song is very catchy and their clothes look very comfy (that may just be because of the colour). The place is very interesting. I remember going to a place like this. Sorta reminds me of Ohashi Trio's Winterland...sorta...But that ferris's just...a wheel...O.o; Or was it supposed to be just a wheel? I feel like they were going for an empty, off the road carnival thing...if that's what they were doing...what's up with the rides and entertainment?

I like the fireworks at the end, but I'm suspicious of them, because I would expect there to be more smoke so certain details of the fireworks would be harder to see.

I really don't like this song. This type of music is where I dislike American music because most of it sounds like this.

However the video looks kinda cool, I like the tinting.

Omaigah, I lovezz~! *3* I love music like very biased...XD The video is simple, yet cute. It works with the song.

SPARKLESSSS!!! Very sparkly song and video...that's all I have to say (actually, I think that sums it up perfectly)

Nowwww Keeki Hime....where is she from if anybody knows?
