TVXQ, SHINee, Berryz Koubou

Of course, perfect dancing, but I'm not sure about the song. It's catchy but it isn't much different from their last few songs. I don't really like TVXQ's new electronic image. First off, their lovely voices are being covered by the electronic sounds, their outfits look cheesy, and their songs aren't as mesmerizing. I miss their sleek and cool image...;3;

Wha~!!! This was GREATTT!! I love the directing of this music video! It was so clear and colourful and lovely~! <333 But omigosh, the story is so sad...;3; I mean...when you think about it. Megoshhh why are SHINee the angels of death!? That's so depressing...but the song is very happy and the video isn't maybe it's just a peaceful passing. Still, it's really sad.

I actually like this. I don't know what I like about in, but I do. I feel like Tsunku has always wanted to do a PV with lots of black and now he's expressing that urge! XD I still like their Thai themed songs better, that was a fun and colourful period. Now back to the darkness...nah, I kids. I just am not fond of the new songs that Tsunku is doing (although C-ute and Erina Mano just keep getting better and better)
