C-ute, Tokyo Girl's Style, Every Little Thing, etc.

Ballad...so ballad-y....and very very slow, sheesh. Not a particular fan of this...sorta tired of C-ute not doing any dance-y stuff...they usually have the best choreography. I found their collars funny only because my friend did an art project making that kind of collar and it looks almost the same except they're gold. I really really really love their outfits in this! They're adorable~!

The silk in the background is cool. The background sounds are also pretty cool sounding. I like the song, it has a nice feel to it. Again...why no dance?! 'tis boring me...

This song and PV is SOOO GREAT! I love it all! It's hilarious and adorable and soooo cheerful~! The girl is so cute and her dress is so pretty. The colours and overall feel of the video is beautiful!

I really like this. I love the song and I like the concept of the video. The choreography is really interesting to watch...my biggest complaint here is the filming of the dance. The lighting is way too much and sometimes the lighting is softer and it looks so much better. I wish they kept with a warmer type of lighting instead of something so intense. If they did that then I would love this 100%

This is a fairly post-H.O.T. type song! It has the feel as if H.O.T. went on, so I really like it. It also gives me a feel of F-Zero GX. I just wish there was no autotune. He has such a nice voice and the autotune just ruins it...

The background dancers look AWESOME! They remind me of butsudankamen a little! But because of that I yearned for some complicated choreography, which there is some of, but not enough to be satisfactory.

I saw this in my updates on youtube and freaked out! OMIGOSH! I LOVE THIS BAND! <333 The song is lovely and the video is so cute! It reminds me of a doll house!

As expected, Every Little Thing is perfect! This song is great and the video is great not to mention Kaori Mochida's lovely outfits! The design-y style is lovely~! <333
