
It was my birthday recently, and though I can't say how old I am, (privacy issues, you know) I can still talk about birthdays. Though they are joyous times, they are still sad, because they mark the passing of time, the grains of sand trickling down the metaphorical hour glass, if you will. I am small for my age, and as such can pretend to be younger if the need arises. I'm not exactly sure how the need might arise, but one must be prepared.

I can't give any hints as to my age exept that I have a gosh darned lot of homework that I should be doing right now instead of this, but oh well.

I think it would be nice if we could choose 1 day in the year to celebrate, like our birthday, but it could be something else, like the day you said your first word, or walked, or learned to ride a bicycle. Though, I suppose, if you wanted, it could be when you emerged, wet and crying, into this world.

That's my philosophy on birthdays for this year, and I will try to post again soon, though it'd be sooner if that homework would disappear. I don't think it will.

