Hey there. This is waga nichijouseikatsu also known as My Semi-Daily Life.
Just random updates are posted here.
*note that waga nichijouseikatsu only translates to Daily/Everyday Life. Haha I do not know how to say my somewhat or semi daily life in Japanese. -still rusty-*


  • I'm Japanese and a little Vietnamese.

  • LIKES: eating ((mainly sweets & pastries)), sleeping, blogging, video games, computer games, board games, puzzle games, mind games, games, staring, watching Korean Dramas
  • DISLIKES: *looks at you*
  • Singers & Bands I Always Like:

    Super Junior, Rurutia,Big Bang, Soul'd Out, 2PM, Utada Hikaru, Kwon BoA, Heartsdale,2NE1, TVXQ, Wonder Girls, SNSD and a few more

  • requests/trades/collabs/b-day giftsrequests/trades/collabs/b-day gifts: - I'm sorry, but I refuse to do those unless certain conditions are to be made. Birthday gifts I do depending on my mood.
  • Sites:

    Lol I like how on my neopets account almost everything I put for my information is false. orz
    I don't have a facebook thank you. If you see a picture of mine that's being used for a profile picture, then that's probably my friend. Add her if you want.

    *Watch Brown Eyed Girls' Abracadabra MV before you watch this if you wanna kinda understand.*

    아아아아아!! 2PM & 2AM BABY!!

    Fun fun funny video!

Totally Random

....yup....i lyke to put pointless and random things in my posts so feel free to not comment on this one. 1) I watched the olympic ceremony thingy yesterday. It was amazing. I wish i could've gone. I loved the fireworks and what they did at...

Read the full post »


CHYEAH!! I'm ish.....finally....done! done with the super spazzy tastical non flashy totally not awesome poorly drawn pic of Ichirou! lol
I drew him with a certain someone in the pic too!
lol If you guess correctly, you get a smack on the back for guessing right! Real men always like getting smacked on the back! IT SHOWS STRONG FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN STRONG MEN! lol jkjk I know nothing about men. I just like saying that. no i'm not a lesbo. No offense and all to all those out there or the bi people as well.

FWAHAHAHA! I gots a photobucket. Whoever wants to see pictures of my stickers and my computer and what i was watching on my computer at the time....clicky the linky! http://s269.photobucket.com/albums/jj60/RuzenSanger/?start=0 here

about the pic that has a dark backround....we had a blackout and there was a snow storm >>>FROM A LONG TIME AGO. LIKE 1 or 2 years lol

Sanity Test

External Image

i took the test.....
that's the result from the first time i took it.

And this is the one i got from the other 3 times i took it.

*spins around in chair and whistles while playing with stickers*
I don't think i'm crazy do you?


Wooh! And now I am pleased to announce, I finally got 2000 hugs! Wooh! I never thought that i would be able to dream about this very day. rofl
I wanna make a special piccy but I don't feel like it until I have my otaku-versary thingy. Hopefully by then I can have 2,500 hugs so the pic will be special.
And congrats to the winner of the cupcake contest.


Yay! You guys finally love me again! That or you have nothing else better to do. I think I'm staying home tomorrow instead of working so hopefully more commenting by me can be done.


lol I went to Tokai which is a japanese little shop in Porter Square in Cambridge, MA. They sell so many cute little trinkets and stuff. But I just spent my money on stickers and a wallet.
I'll show you a pic of the stuff i bought later.


Learning how to draw from a book is harder than what was expected.
Instead of the chance of my drawings looking better from learning through a book being 30% it has dropped to only 9% of looking better. 75% for looking worse. 16% for looking the same.
I saw a pencil case there. Two actually. It had a puppy and a bunny on it and it was a pastelish blue color with slight tints of grey. So cute! I wanted it!
But sadly, someone bought one, and there was only one left and i ran out of cash from buying too many stickers. I only had 7.86 left. The case was 17.50.
But the lady was nice enough to save it for me. And she said that there's gonna be a new shipment of pencil cases so she'll save me the one of each kind of pencil case she gets. Such a nice cashier/store owner lady. Heehee...she was nice enough to give me a free pack of stickers too. I should come more often.

*coughcough* Any changes in art style is that I blame it all on the book.

And now I feel like doing oriental/asian themed pics. So since it's going to be the theme for quite some time, i think that most of the pics shall be focusing mainly on Backrounds since I'm not too good with that. Cause usually my backrounds are like just random things. Like the piccy i drew with the title my magical world! yeah. it wasn't even a backround. the things were just meant to fill up paper space and to abuse my coloring utensils rofl.
Okays....so...requests are closed only cause I don't feel like doing them/ I keep forgetting/i take too long/school's coming closer...
That's all for now. Love ya'll!

Random Stuff

Okay....today I won't be on until at night but I think I'll try to go on an all out commenting spree at night when I get home. That way you people will start to comment/vote on my stuff more often cause like you guys barely even do that anymore....T_T My voting average dropped down....so sad....I usually average to around 35 votes per pic but now it's like 30 or 25....oh well....that or I just suck really badly and you guys just felt bad and now you don't feel sympathy for me anymore. rofl
I haven't gone to bed yet. Don't feel tired....yet. It's been 28 hrs since I last fell asleep. lol I gots a new piccy finished. But then again I also have another that I finished as well...I wanna post them both up but to me...I personally feel that it's strange to have 2 pics up on the same day so I might submit the other one in tomorrow.
You people still have like until August 15th to submit your entries for contest you know.


And now it's time for random oc profile/backround stories.

For Today it shall be on Kurohana and Yuzuki Yumeno.

Name: Kurohana Yumeno

Age: 15

Profile: Nothing tragic really. Just born with a mother, father, and a younger sister. Mother was originally special jounin but quit and is now sweets/bakery owner. Father is anbu. She and her sister are both chuunin. She likes shino and shikamaru but not like fan girly style. Socialable, except for the fact that she tends to doze off when people keep talking on and on...She is very happy and go-lucky. Fire and wind type are her fortes in jutsu although not quite extremely powerful. Her ninjutsu is very good and somewhat above the expected level for chuunin. Genjutsu is average and taijutsu is average as well. She's pretty clumsy sometimes so handling weapons is a task you probably wouldn't want to give her unless it's with senbon but she barely uses them so yeah. Her intelligence quotient is very high....loves playing on her nintendo DS. Only gets serious when needed and is often times found to be either sleeping or playing on DS when there is a mission. She is very considerate when it comes to her family. Especially for Yuzuki. Reasonable to low tolerance for pain.

Name: Yuzuki Yumeno

Age: 14

Profile: Not very tragic but she was born with some sorta disease that makes her cough up blood at random times, makes her pause/do stuff randomly, and sometimes even stops her heart beat for a second. Thus she is not very strong and knows fire-based and healing jutsus. Yuzuki can handle weapons a lot better than her sister can. High level of genjutsu. Average level of ninjutsu. Low level of taijutsu. She also has a high intelligence quotient although it is a lot higher than Kurohana's. Yuzuki doesn't go out on missions very often so she mostly just organizes, researches, and experiments at the hokage's place or just help her mother with the store. She's kinda anti-social but she'll chat every once in awhile. She has a bunny stuffed animal and seems to talk to the plushie when left alone....like kurohana, she's very considerate of family and very close knit with her sister. Extremely low tolerance for pain.

Bloodline trait: some sorta funky eye trick that I haven't decided on the name yet. Basically this is the ideal kekkei genkai for Yuzuki because first, the enemy looks into the user's eyes. Then' they paralyzed/numbed for a short amount of time. That way, if Yuzuki all of sudden has one of those "moments" that I explained earlier, the enemy will be stopped long enough for her to recover. Sometimes there's even an after effect ehich is that the enemy has a severe case of nausea....and yeah. nothin special really.

Random comment on yuzuki. Yuzuki is actually also Mizune in some of the pictures I drew. Yuzuki's name was originally Sakura and she was to be my naruto oc until I found out that the pink haired ninja was named sakura. lol I made her after I saw the first episode. But I still made a storyline for her anyways after that. Originally I was gonna put Yuzuki as Naruto's younger sister. Not a twin though. She was to have the same disease and she'd have been trained separately from naruto and the others. And then when shippuuden came she would be strong enough to be put into a team and go on dangerous missions with them. I'll show you guys a pick of Yuzuki's and Kurohana's ninja outfits later. Phew...typing all this actually made me a bit tired. Might take a nap. Yeah. A nap at 4:00 A.M. on east coast time because it's not really going to bed or anything if you're only going to sleep for around 2 or 3 hours. Well to me it seems that way. Okays then. ME gots to go before my parents see me awake. lol they can probably here the typing or the movements I make cause they bedroom is downstairs and mine's is upstairs....WHATEVER. Nuff with my rants and pointlessness...Good mirning i think?