Hey there. This is waga nichijouseikatsu also known as My Semi-Daily Life.
Just random updates are posted here.
*note that waga nichijouseikatsu only translates to Daily/Everyday Life. Haha I do not know how to say my somewhat or semi daily life in Japanese. -still rusty-*


  • I'm Japanese and a little Vietnamese.

  • LIKES: eating ((mainly sweets & pastries)), sleeping, blogging, video games, computer games, board games, puzzle games, mind games, games, staring, watching Korean Dramas
  • DISLIKES: *looks at you*
  • Singers & Bands I Always Like:

    Super Junior, Rurutia,Big Bang, Soul'd Out, 2PM, Utada Hikaru, Kwon BoA, Heartsdale,2NE1, TVXQ, Wonder Girls, SNSD and a few more

  • requests/trades/collabs/b-day giftsrequests/trades/collabs/b-day gifts: - I'm sorry, but I refuse to do those unless certain conditions are to be made. Birthday gifts I do depending on my mood.
  • Sites:

    Lol I like how on my neopets account almost everything I put for my information is false. orz
    I don't have a facebook thank you. If you see a picture of mine that's being used for a profile picture, then that's probably my friend. Add her if you want.

    *Watch Brown Eyed Girls' Abracadabra MV before you watch this if you wanna kinda understand.*

    아아아아아!! 2PM & 2AM BABY!!

    Fun fun funny video!


Okay. Two sides here. Soo....Out with the bad stuff first. Bad: DAMN YOU DELTA AIRLINES!! DAMN YOU!! GAWD! They canceled the flight to Japan at the last minute so...no going to nihon this summer. Which means, no relative reunion alth...

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Tagged x3

Mkay. Yesterday. I got tagged again! Wooh! Now I'm at 24! I'm striving for 30 right now so feel free to tag me if you want.

This special edition of my tag shall be on things I hate so here we go!

1)I dislike the JonasBrothers mainly for their hair.
2)Miley Cyrus is dumb and I don't like her.
3)Bitches/people who constantly pms.
4)Snobby wannabes/copy cats.
6)Warm unflavored milk.
7)Art stealers.
9)Assholes who don't even give you tips on how to improve and just criticize on how bad the artwork is.
10)The bitchy girls in my class.
11)Maple syrup cause it's too sweet.
12)Haters of anime and manga.
13)Racist bastards/bitches.
14)The person who stole my pocky one day.
15)Satan and Clowns cause they're the very creation that satan himself had invented and brought their wrath upon us the victims....
16)Rotten stuff.
18)People who get easily offended by something that's irrelavent. Like there's a girl in my class and whenever she gets a paper cut or there's like a mistake with her lunch order she'll start to spazz out. You don't spazz out over a paper cut unless you have hemophelia which she does not have.
20)Skanky/slutty/horny/flirty people. Well flirty people I don't hate it's just that I hate it when they do it to me.
21)Dried out supplies.
22)Not being able to eat my favorite snacks/foods in over a month.
23)My face.
Okays. I left 24 blank cause this may be a bit offending to some. So if you wanna know what 24 is send me a pm and I shall tell you. Okays then. Jaa ne!

Tagged x10?

Lol Tagged again. Ten times to be exact. Here we go. 1) I lyke to play maple story 2)maple syrup is too sweet 3)maple candy tastes better 4)I make myself moustaches out of whipped cream 5)I despise ...

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Happy 4th of July

Yo! Just wanted to say have a happy 4th of july to you all!
Sorry to many of you if this sounds kinda offensive but I'm kinda not really into 4th of July so I don't really think that I'll make a picture unless it's a really late one. -_-; But anyways have a happy 4th and maybe if you go shopping they'll have some great discounts and sales cause that means to the BEST BUY AND CIRCUIT CITY STORES!! I can then buy twice as many video games now. ^_^ So instead of my usual 4 or 5 I can get 8-10! Wooh! And fireworks! Fireworks are purdypretty! Jaa ne minna and don't eat too many things at a barbeque until you puke cause that's kinda gross and what my friend showed me a video of when they had a celebration with their family. lol

Fireworks image is a courtesy of me since I like em and it's 4th of july.


Yay! I made myself a trainer card. This is the one I have for sinnoh but I used Haruka from the hoenn version and the badges from the hoenn league as well. lol It's fun to make. I now command you to make one now! Before I tag you again.
To make one go to pokecharms.com or you can just look at the little address thingy at the bottom! Happy creating for those of you who're making one. Those of you who don't will be tagged. You know why? Cause I just got tagged 5times yesterday! Wooh!